There are some weird cues that are sexy.
For example, I was watching this video lecture by a Japanese woman, and she wasn't physically attractive to me, but the way she talked english was hot as hell. She didn't have the stereotypical Japanese accent though. It was very interesting, kind of like tata tututu. Tatatitata. ta-ta-ta-tu. Like a slow machine gun. Almost like spelling it all out, but not quite. Hot as hell! I don't know why, what a weird cue for sexy things. It even made her feel attractive to me, I was thinking 'please, speak.. more.. talk.. tata tutu. Tutututu. yeah, that's the way to do it.'. Slightly resembling mechanical sound, as in 'what is wrong with you'. The question is, what is wrong with the society for not producing more hot things like her. Totally weird.
She would have been even hotter, if she had more weird stuff going on. Unfortunately her presentation style was very western otherwise. Some embarrased eye contacts would have made it porno.
For example, I was watching this video lecture by a Japanese woman, and she wasn't physically attractive to me, but the way she talked english was hot as hell. She didn't have the stereotypical Japanese accent though. It was very interesting, kind of like tata tututu. Tatatitata. ta-ta-ta-tu. Like a slow machine gun. Almost like spelling it all out, but not quite. Hot as hell! I don't know why, what a weird cue for sexy things. It even made her feel attractive to me, I was thinking 'please, speak.. more.. talk.. tata tutu. Tutututu. yeah, that's the way to do it.'. Slightly resembling mechanical sound, as in 'what is wrong with you'. The question is, what is wrong with the society for not producing more hot things like her. Totally weird.
She would have been even hotter, if she had more weird stuff going on. Unfortunately her presentation style was very western otherwise. Some embarrased eye contacts would have made it porno.