This is it. This is the crossroads I've been dreading. I have this weekend to make up my mind and make a commitment. As some of you know, I've been doing this whole IT security thing, which interests me a lot, in which I think I'm pretty good.
But I'm doing this research assistant thing at the same time, in the medical field, hospital things. And now, the time has come. I can either commit 100% to the medical field thing (technology in hospitals), or dump it and focus on security.
With security, I have no outside support, but I'm passionate and it comes naturally to me. I'd do my thesis, hopefully PhD, and then kind of .. find my place in the field.
But in this medical business, I'm getting all these offers. I've been offered not only one more project, but tons of projects. As in 'if you want to do this or this, it's yours'. You know? And I have support in it, lots of support. I got this professor who is backing me up, and who is not afraid to throw influence around. In fact, you are either on the good side, meaning you get these offers all the time, or on the bad side, meaning that you have no future
But I'm on the good side. Should I dump this opportunity, I'm definitely destroyed. And I think, that I might be able to continue to PhD with this one as well. Benefits are also, that I'd be getting paid the all the way until I graduate. Plus, when I'd want to go to do something on my own, I'd have hands on experience, spesific experience.
The things we do are quite advanced, as in, if I'd do my thesis on it, I'd do research in quite a new thing, meaning that people with interest on this spesific thing would maybe even consider me as their peer.
Plus, it is still 'crossfield' thing, meaning that it doesn't only apply to the medical field. On the other hand, I've been reading all these freaking medical journals and stuff, to get the lingo and understand what is happening. So, that wouldn't go to waste either.
But it makes me sad, becuase I'd have to dump the security thing. I was asked to commit today, meaning, that I'll do this and this only, 100% commitment. So there's no time to fool aroudn with security or other stuff.
I don't know what to do. And last time I made this same thread, everyone said, take the medical field, idiot. But it's now that I know, that I truly have to commit and dump the other one.
It is frustrating, because if I only had one of these, I'd be commited and happy. Now, I have one field that I love, and one field that is pretty cool (medical), and that's the one I'm getting all these freaking offers. I haven't even done anything yet, anything concrete. It's like a marketplace, every time I say 'well this is interesting, but my background and passion is ..' and BOOM another offer. So I can shop around in this field, in security field, I can't shop around.
I'm still hoping, that there's a chance, that I'd do this medical thing, whcih is kind of concrete, you know, I'm doing this thing, I have work experience and getting it now, I've done real research, funded by different places, running in my hospital jacket (COOL!!
), being this technodude and.. do my thesis, have all the support from people who are on the freaking edge of this thing, as in they are doing the very latest, so I could not only be supported, but when I do my thesis and thing, I could even further do that same stuff, further. Not read some crap others wrote and do some crap research, but really, something meaningful. Then, if I'd get accepted as PhD student, my hopes are, that I could still get paid from doing this medical field, but maybe I could THEN play with the security stuff as well. Because why not? I do have the knowledge and experience I need for the thesis already from it, it's what I do, it's what I folllow and read on my own freaking time. So it's not like I have to struggle too much.
Then... get my PhD, kind of have both things, because they can be supporting each other.
I don't know. I might have to shoot myself.
But I'm doing this research assistant thing at the same time, in the medical field, hospital things. And now, the time has come. I can either commit 100% to the medical field thing (technology in hospitals), or dump it and focus on security.
With security, I have no outside support, but I'm passionate and it comes naturally to me. I'd do my thesis, hopefully PhD, and then kind of .. find my place in the field.
But in this medical business, I'm getting all these offers. I've been offered not only one more project, but tons of projects. As in 'if you want to do this or this, it's yours'. You know? And I have support in it, lots of support. I got this professor who is backing me up, and who is not afraid to throw influence around. In fact, you are either on the good side, meaning you get these offers all the time, or on the bad side, meaning that you have no future

But I'm on the good side. Should I dump this opportunity, I'm definitely destroyed. And I think, that I might be able to continue to PhD with this one as well. Benefits are also, that I'd be getting paid the all the way until I graduate. Plus, when I'd want to go to do something on my own, I'd have hands on experience, spesific experience.
The things we do are quite advanced, as in, if I'd do my thesis on it, I'd do research in quite a new thing, meaning that people with interest on this spesific thing would maybe even consider me as their peer.
Plus, it is still 'crossfield' thing, meaning that it doesn't only apply to the medical field. On the other hand, I've been reading all these freaking medical journals and stuff, to get the lingo and understand what is happening. So, that wouldn't go to waste either.
But it makes me sad, becuase I'd have to dump the security thing. I was asked to commit today, meaning, that I'll do this and this only, 100% commitment. So there's no time to fool aroudn with security or other stuff.
I don't know what to do. And last time I made this same thread, everyone said, take the medical field, idiot. But it's now that I know, that I truly have to commit and dump the other one.
It is frustrating, because if I only had one of these, I'd be commited and happy. Now, I have one field that I love, and one field that is pretty cool (medical), and that's the one I'm getting all these freaking offers. I haven't even done anything yet, anything concrete. It's like a marketplace, every time I say 'well this is interesting, but my background and passion is ..' and BOOM another offer. So I can shop around in this field, in security field, I can't shop around.
I'm still hoping, that there's a chance, that I'd do this medical thing, whcih is kind of concrete, you know, I'm doing this thing, I have work experience and getting it now, I've done real research, funded by different places, running in my hospital jacket (COOL!!

Then... get my PhD, kind of have both things, because they can be supporting each other.
I don't know. I might have to shoot myself.