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Do you hug men?

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  • #31
    I hug men all the time.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #32
      Isn't that just something to be proud of?
      I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

      Asher on molly bloom


      • #33
        I am not afraid of appearing gay, but I am afraid person once hugging me, embracing me etc who would later get to know that I am gay would feel bad about it.
        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
        Middle East!


        • #34
          That's just aphase in your life Heresson, get over it. You're way too conservative to be gay.


          • #35
            Stop having erections when hugging men then
            I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

            Asher on molly bloom


            • #36
              I don't hug men, I don't even hug women, unless she is my girlfriend of course.

              However, arm around the shoulder for a quick second, I can do that with anyone somewhat close to me.

              When it comes to my family, I only do the shoulder thing with my sister, I think it's because I am protective of her.
              Last edited by FrostyBoy; January 2, 2007, 03:22.
              be free


              • #37
                I hug women. I used to be too scared to. I was always afraid of a sexual harrassment lawsuits.

                Speaking of my worrying lifestyle. I would never even consider hugging a child. Far too risky. If the kid doesn't like you, you'll end up in jail.


                • #38
                  Hugging is probably the most innocent thing I do with my male friends.
                  Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                  -Richard Dawkins


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Dis
                    I hug women. I used to be too scared to. I was always afraid of a sexual harrassment lawsuits.

                    Politically correct world
                    I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                    Asher on molly bloom


                    • #40
                      Sometimes when i'm playing football and we've just won or we're bouncing around to song in a nightclub otherwise not really
                      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                      • #41
                        Yes I do. Especially if drinking or otherwise enthusiastic.


                        • #42
                          of course I hug men.
                          Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                          I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                          Also active on WePlayCiv.


                          • #43
                            I touch virtually no one, man or woman. There are four... er... three people that I am comfortable touching. Two are female, one is male. None of them are related to me.

                            I let casual female friends hug me (and would do the same for male ones, if they tried) and I let relatives hug me, but only very briefly and very lightly. I don't offer, don't want it, don't enjoy it.

                            I won't lie to myself, though - I don't really mind being hugged by an attractive female friend, but I'd rather if it didn't happen.

                            This all has nothing to do with the fact that I'm an American, and much more to do with the fact that I'm an asocial ******.
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • #44
                              you can't be asocial ****** since you have more friends than me. And I like hugs.

                              My one female friend I hug real tight. She's like a big teddy bear. She has a few extra pounds which I actually like. I don't feel like I'll kill her by squeezing too tight. Some of the women I hug at work are skin and bones. I feel like I'll crush them if I hug too tight.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Dis
                                you can't be asocial ****** since you have more friends than me. And I like hugs.
                                I've figured out recently that I'm really just a lucky, asocial ******. Of the three people I'm closest to, one tried very hard to get me to open up because she was curious about what quiet little me had to say, one I managed to have a ****load of classes with in middle school, and the other I met online through a series of peculiar and unbelievable circumstances. There was also a fourth, whom I met through a different series of peculiar and unbelievable online circumstances.

                                I don't make friends at work, clubs, parties, or any of the other usual sorts of places one would expect to make friends. I don't make friends period, really. Friends have happened to me in strange ways through my own luck. But I drive even the best of them away from me. It's a talent I have.
                                Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                                "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld

