that its adherents are bright and intellectually open, and have a sense of humour, of humanity, that is sadly lacking in other strands of American religious life.
At this point, I knew that something was up. I mean, it isn't as if all mormons are stupid, intellectually dishonest, and/or humourless....but they are neither more or less of these things when compared to the rest of American religious life.
But here is a big difference between Mormons and other American evangelists - Mormons do not feel threatened by science.
And here I knew that the article was a bit odd. At least in *my* experience, Mormons appear to be no more or less threatened by science than the rest of the religious right (that is to say, they are threatened by it)
They are not enemies of the rational world - they are not creationists.
They aren't? Again, my sample isn't particularly statistically significant, but every encounter I've had with Mormons (remember, I live among them) on this subject has been a large group of creationists (either outright creationism or "intelligent design") vs. me.
The "lol i wasnt no monkey LOL" sort
And on human conduct they tend to stress setting personal examples rather than getting the state to enforce religious rules.
No, Mormons aren't so big on the whole "seperation of church and state" thing, unless the State is trying to persecute them. Mormons like to accomplish both - we can let people set their own examples, of course, but it's always nice to use the state government to try to enforce them (for instance, in teh alcohol laws, or wrt/ gay marriage, or whatnot).
So BBC essentially portrays the Mormon Church as a nice, rationalist, essentially liberal religion.
Which is laughable