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Outsourcing of US IT Jobs on the Decline

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  • #16
    There will always be something to having a personal touch and personal repore with the client. Just as there will always be cultural differences so the company which can best relate to the client will have a competitive advantage over the companies which don't understand the client's needs or the way he is stating his needs. That is why the top notch Asian companies are now setting up shop in the west.

    They want to get closer to their big clients, provide that personal touch which will keep that client loyal to them, and ward off competitors who are trying to steal their clients. It doesn't hurt that local hires can better get around any cultural miscommunication quickly and easily while someone in Asia with a 10 hour time difference and no personal contact with the client might not. In the end this is just the nature of sales and every company is trying to sell something to someone.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #17
      I think the trend in the US in software development is going to be design, testing and integration. Also nation wide enrollment in Computer Science degrees is actually going down. Soon the baby boomers are going to retire and that is going to put a lot of pressure on all job sectors including IT.
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      • #18
        There are two types of graduates in India.

        There is the MCA (Master of Computer Application), which involves coding without understanding the theory, and which is responsible for most of the bad code out there (I feel rather sad saying that, because one of my good friends is doing a MCA)

        Then there are the engineering degrees in Comp. Sci., which give you a sloid grounding in the theory and maths behind the subject, and also teach you enough electronics to understand what is going on close to the metal. These people are the ones who get the creative jobs.


        • #19
          Originally posted by aneeshm
          There are two types of graduates in India.

          There is the MCA (Master of Computer Application), which involves coding without understanding the theory, and which is responsible for most of the bad code out there (I feel rather sad saying that, because one of my good friends is doing a MCA)

          Then there are the engineering degrees in Comp. Sci., which give you a sloid grounding in the theory and maths behind the subject, and also teach you enough electronics to understand what is going on close to the metal. These people are the ones who get the creative jobs.
          At my school the College of Engineering has two degrees, Computer Science or Computer Engineering. The required course involve computer theory as well as coding. Allthough they are going to allow students in future to sepecialize in Computer Appilications or Theory side of things.

          For me I am taking Computer Algorthim and Operating System class next semister. I also took an assembly class which gives you a good understandings of how the computer works at the lower levels of code.
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