Originally posted by Asher
Why does he think R&D costs occur now?
Sony's R&D cost was during the, you know, R&D of the console -- over the past 4 years. The cost now is due to components. The R&D is done with.
This guy is clueless.
Why does he think R&D costs occur now?
Sony's R&D cost was during the, you know, R&D of the console -- over the past 4 years. The cost now is due to components. The R&D is done with.
This guy is clueless.
But he probably really means the rampup costs, and was justing writing sloppily. SInce hes a game developer (Tropico, I think, but now making casual games, Bonnies Bookstore) and only writes occasionally about the game biz on his blog, Id let him go for the writing.