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Fact filled article on why the current Congress is the worst ever.

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  • Originally posted by GePap

    This general behavior is ruining Poly. Half the threads now that could be substantive are filled with junk, andf its not even entertaining trolling, just tired ****. This is particularly agregious in this thread since the article Oerdin posted is far more substantial than most other threads out here. I personally would love to have a discussion on this very article, not ruined by the now sadly regular whinning.
    Fair enough, and I see you're only whining about the whining in this thread instead of all of 'em.

    Still, I think the OT decline has far more to do with Elok's reason (sheer redundancy) than mere trolls who could easily be ignored.


    • Originally posted by Darius871

      Sorry, from the way you worded your post before it sounded like a site function that determines who will be allowed to post in what threads.
      They keep out the spammers and the one trick ponies but it is actually very open minded. They require the discussion to be more mature. If you like I will send you an invite and you can see for yourself.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
        Look, I hate the GOP with a passion bordering on obsessiveness, and even I think Oerdin's going overboard.
        I agree, although this isn't a bad example. By itself we would comment/etc on it. But since it is from Oerdin we ignore it.

        I don't think that Oerdin is posting too much against the Bush Admin/Republicans. I think that what he is posting is just too often politicaly hackery.. which I am tired of.

        Like the constant references to pedophiles in the Republican office. I am sure there are some Republicans who are pedophiles. I am also sure that what Foley did was wrong. However, as of yet, there is no evidence of pedophilia relating to Foley.

        Interesting stuff in this (when it comes out) is did the Leadership/Ethics people know. And did the person who blew the whistle get fired. Other than that, I don't need it repeated every few statements. I am more intelligent than that.

        Similiarly, I think that repeating things over and over again, while needed (apparently) by the public at large, is just old and annoying here on Apolyton.

        The Republicans have showed that if you repeat something often enough it becomes 'true' for the public. However, I don't appreciate it here on Apolyton, and I tihnk others don't as well.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

