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Christianity? More like Constantinianity...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Will9
    Christianity was already widspread throughout the Roman Empire, but it was still the minority. The Only reson Christianity grew faster under Constintine is because Christians had Imperial protection. Many areas already, such as Egypt, Cartage, and most of all Asia Minor, already a majority of Christians, and Christianity was growing much faster than Paganism. Pope Leo the Great still would have cinvinced Attlia to leave Italy, and the Pope would then become the most powerful Christian leader in the west. What do you mean it wasn't God's fault for Chistianity becoming so large, lets not forget why Constintine became a Christian. He saw the letters PX (a Greek Christian symbol) in the sky and he was told to paint on his weapons and he would win the battle.
    So basically you're proving my point...
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #17
      Originally posted by MOBIUS

      And you've gotten me angry that basic English education seems to have passed Indiana by...

      Did I ever say that the stupidest/most ignorant Americans I've yet met as a rule seem to hail from indiana?
      If your trying to insult me by calling hoosiers stupid/ignorant and lacking an English education, you'd have to try much harder, because I'm not a hoosier, I'm from Tennessee (they don't have the greatest English classes there).
      The video may avatar is from


      • #18
        An just exactly when did Islam conquer Indonesia -- the second-most populous Islamic country in the world??


        • #19
          Originally posted by Zkribbler
          An just exactly when did Islam conquer Indonesia -- the second-most populous Islamic country in the world??
          The most populated Muslim country.
          The video may avatar is from


          • #20
            Constantine only declared christianity legal, 2 emperors later it was declared the official religion.

            It was already the majority religion or biggest religion overall among city dwellers in the eastern half, and there were also very big communities in hispania, north africa, italy and the rest of the west, it had also expanded outside of the fronteers of the empire to armenia, nubia, ethiopia and even among german barbarians and in persia.

            Even if christianity had never been declared offical, it would be major religion today, its spread in the first centuries when it was still a persecuted religion I find reminiscent of the spread of buddhism from india to china, japan, south east and central asia.
            I need a foot massage


            • #21
              Originally posted by Will9
              Christianity was already widspread throughout the Roman Empire, but it was still the minority. The Only reson Christianity grew faster under Constintine is because Christians had Imperial protection. Many areas already, such as Egypt, Cartage, and most of all Asia Minor, already a majority of Christians, and Christianity was growing much faster than Paganism. Pope Leo the Great still would have cinvinced Attlia to leave Italy, and the Pope would then become the most powerful Christian leader in the west. What do you mean it wasn't God's fault for Chistianity becoming so large, lets not forget why Constintine became a Christian. He saw the letters PX (a Greek Christian symbol) in the sky and he was told to paint on his weapons and he would win the battle.

              You have gotten me angre engough by posting this, but you are getting me even more angre by posting this on Sunday. Ming or Rah, please delete this thread.
              This is pretty much the reply I would've written were I not aware of the concept of an Internet troll. The shocking ignorance makes anyone who has spent his or her spare time reading about post-Republic Roman history angry. Which is, of course, exactly the intention of the Original Post of this thread.


              • #22
                Dinodoc once again proving that it is easy to post something and still have nothing to say...
                "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                • #23
                  Originally posted by VJ
                  This is pretty much the reply I would've written were I not aware of the concept of an Internet troll. The shocking ignorance makes anyone who has spent his or her spare time reading about post-Republic Roman history angry. Which is, of course, exactly the intention of the Original Post of this thread.
                  However, we have to upgrade our marks, now that somebody bit.
                  "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                  "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                  "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                  • #24
                    However, we have to upgrade our marks, now that somebody bit.
                    I've been blamed for grade inflation, so I've kept my marks low recently. I refuse to refresh my judgement of the quality of this troll. There might have been two bites, but they were both from newbies not well aware of Internet culture.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by VJ
                      The shocking ignorance makes anyone who has spent his or her spare time reading about post-Republic Roman history angry. Which is, of course, exactly the intention of the Original Post of this thread.

                      The average Christian is shockingly ignorant of the fact that the religion pretty much owes its 'modern' existence to Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor. If it wasn't for him, christians would still have been regularly persecuted and hunted down like the rats they were and, perhaps more importantly, if he didn't bang their heads together at the First Council of Nicaea the whole religion might have splintered into the pettiness that bedeviled it later on, whilst it was large enough to survive it then, back in 325 it might very well not have...

                      Oh, and anyone who links Wikipedia deserves to be shot!
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #26
                        I have to admit that this new trolling style of yours (pretending to be ignorant), works much better than your old trolling style (pretending to care about American troops while insulting them). My mind, angered by the apparent ignorance, is constantly demanding me to engange in what would obviously be a long and counterproductive debate altough I know your post history and have seen several such debates of you vs. whoever taking for weeks. If you keep this upward curve of your troll quality moving into the direction it's currently moving, your ratings may very well overtake Comrade Tassadar's ratings within this year, making you the best troll on Apolyton's OTF.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by VJ
                          I have to admit that this new trolling style of yours (pretending to be ignorant), works much better than your old trolling style (pretending to care about American troops while insulting them). My mind, angered by the apparent ignorance, is constantly demanding me to engange in what would obviously be a long and counterproductive debate altough I know your post history and have seen several such debates of you vs. whoever taking for weeks. If you keep this upward curve of your troll quality moving into the direction it's currently moving, your ratings may very well overtake Comrade Tassadar's ratings within this year, making you the best troll on Apolyton's OTF.

                          Nice try. I've exposed your knowledge of Constantine for the sham it is, and you attempt to shift the blame whilst retreating smartly from the battlefield...

                          If I am wrong as you say, surely it should be easy to prove...?

                          Just don't use Wiki, or else whatever thin veneer of respectability you have will instantly vanish!
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #28
                            Ya hear that? Mobius might not respect us. Which, apparently, is different from the current state of things, though I'm not sure how exactly.
                            1011 1100
                            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                            • #29
                              No. I will not feed the troll. Kthxbye.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by VJ
                                No. I will not feed the troll. Kthxbye.

                                Good of you to finally admit you know sweet FA about Constantine...
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

