Abortion, as we know, is a murder of an innocent soul. Certainly this must be so - isn't this the assumption that most of the pro-life movement is based upon? Certainly references to the "abortion holocaust" and so on are often found in pro-life publications, along with dire talk about what a crime against humanity all those abortions are.
Thus, politicians who sanction abortion must logically be blamed for those deaths. After all, if some country declared that, say, murdering Jews was no longer against the law we'd certainly blame them for those deaths, wouldn't we? And Ronald Reagan, in acts though not in words, sanctioned abortion. After 8 years of Reagan presidency, abortion was as legal as ever! There were 10 million legal abortions(1) committed during the Reagan presidency. Considering that two out of three of Reagan's Supreme Court justices were pro-choice, and that the Supreme Court seems to currently be the most important office in US as relating to whether abortion can be banned or not, we must then, by the virtue of his actions, consider Reagan to be culpable in those deaths.
Stalin, on the other hand, was responsible for 20 million deaths. That is, some people claim that he was responsible for 20 million deaths, some claim that he's responsible for less, some that he's for more, but Robert Conquest is currently saying that it's 20 million and that's what we're going with, since Conquest is a good conservative and usually seems to be considered a good source by the same people who are outraged over abortion. However, during 20 years of Stalin's reign, abortion was banned. Thus, Stalin can't be blamed for any abortions for those years, any more than we blame any leader for ordinary murders committed during their reign, as murder is illegal. Stalin can be blamed for abortions in those 14 years of his rule that they were legal, but I haven't been able to find how many were actually done in Soviet Union during those years. Let's be wacky and say that it was 10 million. Sure, it probably wasn't nearly that number, but it doesn't really detract from the point that I'm aiming at here.
Doing simple math, we see that during Reagan years there were 1,300,000 deaths per year caused by the state policy (and that's not even counting the deaths caused by US foreign policy!), while during for the 30 years of Stalin there were only a million dead per year (and that's using my inflated numbers.) Thus, Reagan was, logically (and conservatively!) speaking, worse than Stalin.
Sure, it's not like I'm making a serious argument here, especially considering that I'm generally pro-choice myself these days, but is there, you know, any actual fault in this argument here? If we assume that abortion kills a living soul, especially?
(1) rough estimate, based on 1,300,000 abortions done in 1981. If anything, there probably were more than 10 million abortions during the Reagan reign, since abortion rate kept rising.
Thus, politicians who sanction abortion must logically be blamed for those deaths. After all, if some country declared that, say, murdering Jews was no longer against the law we'd certainly blame them for those deaths, wouldn't we? And Ronald Reagan, in acts though not in words, sanctioned abortion. After 8 years of Reagan presidency, abortion was as legal as ever! There were 10 million legal abortions(1) committed during the Reagan presidency. Considering that two out of three of Reagan's Supreme Court justices were pro-choice, and that the Supreme Court seems to currently be the most important office in US as relating to whether abortion can be banned or not, we must then, by the virtue of his actions, consider Reagan to be culpable in those deaths.
Stalin, on the other hand, was responsible for 20 million deaths. That is, some people claim that he was responsible for 20 million deaths, some claim that he's responsible for less, some that he's for more, but Robert Conquest is currently saying that it's 20 million and that's what we're going with, since Conquest is a good conservative and usually seems to be considered a good source by the same people who are outraged over abortion. However, during 20 years of Stalin's reign, abortion was banned. Thus, Stalin can't be blamed for any abortions for those years, any more than we blame any leader for ordinary murders committed during their reign, as murder is illegal. Stalin can be blamed for abortions in those 14 years of his rule that they were legal, but I haven't been able to find how many were actually done in Soviet Union during those years. Let's be wacky and say that it was 10 million. Sure, it probably wasn't nearly that number, but it doesn't really detract from the point that I'm aiming at here.
Doing simple math, we see that during Reagan years there were 1,300,000 deaths per year caused by the state policy (and that's not even counting the deaths caused by US foreign policy!), while during for the 30 years of Stalin there were only a million dead per year (and that's using my inflated numbers.) Thus, Reagan was, logically (and conservatively!) speaking, worse than Stalin.
Sure, it's not like I'm making a serious argument here, especially considering that I'm generally pro-choice myself these days, but is there, you know, any actual fault in this argument here? If we assume that abortion kills a living soul, especially?
(1) rough estimate, based on 1,300,000 abortions done in 1981. If anything, there probably were more than 10 million abortions during the Reagan reign, since abortion rate kept rising.