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Residents beat, hold man accused of showing kids porn

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  • Originally posted by SlowwHand
    No, you misunderstand, Kuci.

    I doubt it was 15 people, and I wish he looked worse.
    I understand that perfectly.


    • Beating up people, just in case
      The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


      • Lord shiva i dont think there was any celebrating here but a mere statement by a few saying that they would do the same as the parents did in this instance. No one knew what his intentins were and im a parent saying i really dont care, he lost his rights to decide when he approached my child with filth, At that point it was an asualt on my kid. Just for the record i didnt see any dancing elves in here that this guy got beat or restrained.
        When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
        "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
        Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


        • The dead horse was beaten more than this guy.
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


          • I have some half asleep musings.

            First of all naked pictures. I want to see these pictures to judge for myself. . I may be biased, but a naked picture of a woman seems less severe than a naked picture of a man with an erection (not so bad if he's not erect). If it was just a playboy picture, I see very little wrong with it. A picture of an man with erection is much more severe. And of course hardcore is way over the top. Kids should not be seeing hardcore acts.

            Now to the next part. If it was only softcore playboy, theoretically there isn't much wrong with that. But the problem lies in the fact that sexual predators uses things like this to lure children. This is where we run into grey areas. As we don't know the motivation of this guy. Maybe he just got a thrill off of dirtying the minds of children. But had no intention of harming them. Was the guy aroused when he was doing this? There are so many things we don't know.

            But the fact is he was showing the pictures. He could have just left the magazine. But the fact that he was there interacting with the children bothers me. And makes me think he had bad intentions. Though why this guy would be stupid enough to do this in front of adults baffles me.

            In any case, I'd be glad if someone had shown me naked pictures of women when I was a kid. .

            Which leads me to another thought. 30 years ago this wouldn't have been such a big deal. But people are so afraid of child molesters now days, and over reaction is to be expected. And why not, child molestation is one of the worst crimes you can do.

            One thing that does bother me is the witch hunt mentality against child molesters and other sex offenders. Nothing is done to research why they are like this or to try to cure them. People just want to string em' up. If we still had public hangings, these guys would be first in line.
            Last edited by Dis; September 25, 2006, 06:04.


            • Originally posted by ajbera
              And if he really just wanted to show them dirty pictures, he simply could have left pages from smut magazines all over the playground. That's what I do.
              err, are you serious?

              why would you poison young minds with smut? And more importantly, why would you waste good porn?

              growing up in a dirty environment will turn kids into people like me. I think we can all agree, this is a bad thing. I grew up in a town full of smut.


              • From Letters To The Editor

                Men of Oak Cliff, I salute you

                In Oak Cliff, an alleged pervert allegedly -- hello, legal department! -- showed pornography to children on a playground. . Neighbors came running, caught the suspect, and beat the crap out of him until police arrived.
                Ms. Williams said she appreciates her neighbors' help, but no one should have beaten Mr. Burke.

                "I wish they would just hold him," Ms. Williams said. "I'm glad someone was there to stop him, but I'd rather police handle the justice."

                Ms. Williams is no doubt a better person than I. But I'm a troglodyte about these matters. Good on those men, say I.
                I don't agree that he had the crap beat out of him, but if the perv perp wants to file charges, let him.
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                • Originally posted by Combat Ingrid
                  Beating up people, just in case
                  Pre-emptive beatings

                  Beating them over there so we don't have to beat them over here

                  "We know where the beatings are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." - Donald Rumsfeld on pre-emptively beating Iraq
                  The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                  The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                  • Is this drug induced?
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                    • Originally posted by Dis

                      err, are you serious?

                      why would you poison young minds with smut? And more importantly, why would you waste good porn?

                      growing up in a dirty environment will turn kids into people like me. I think we can all agree, this is a bad thing. I grew up in a town full of smut.
                      Just kidding, dude. Although, as a child, I encountered the occasional nudie mag in the woods, or digging through my parent's stuff. Hell, I remember finding a fetish mag as a kid. Probably set me on the road to being the perv I am today.

                      I think kids should be kids for as long as they can, because it's a pretty shitty world in a lot of respects, and innocence is very fragile, and lost soon enough. But part of growing up is learning about sex, and there's something kinda cool about viewing it as a mysterious, grown up thing that should be approached carefully and covertly. Coming across those skin mags in the woods was exhilirating. Looking for adult secrets in my parent's room was thrilling. Conversely, had my folks sat me down at an early age and explained the birds and bees, it would have been, well, a bit boring (although I was a smart and precocious enough child that my folks had no problem with my reading adult-level material, fiction and non-fiction, that described and detailed sex.) And if a stranger had shown me beaver shots on a playground, that would have felt squalid and wrong.

                      I certainly also think there comes a time when the parents should make sure the kids know about sex, and birth control/STD prevention, because they're going to do reckless things and you should give them the information they need to make informed decisions.

                      So, I guess my feelings are: at the earlier ages, kids should scratch the surface of these mysteries on their own, and/or with their peers. They should approach these things froim their own perspective. Sometime later, the misconceptions should be corrected and the gaps filled in by parents, siblings, and other trusted mature people. Learning from some weird stranger, just feels wrong.


                      • I found a nudie mag in the desert area besides our housing area before. sometimes we'd look in the trash for them.

                        I always wondered why people would bring a good mag out in the desert. It was a hangout spot for the kids of course.

                        But then some ******* would always have to tear the magazine to shreds and waste good porn. It's so hard to come by as a kid.


                        • Dis its one thing for a kid to hunt for the porn on their own. but to have a perv show it to kids with intentions unknown, but assumed, is another. I didnt go out looking for porn as a kid, but im not a boy either. The guy wasnt beaten to a pulp, one or two men got a few punches in and roughed him up a bit. Liek i said i looked much worse then this guy after an ex opened up on my ass. If that is beaten then i dont know what to tell ya. Most of us parents and some not parents dont agree with lynch mobs just stated that would have prolly done the same thing if my kid was there.
                          To answer the question for u dis sexual predators have proven over and over to not change. and whe u induldge urself in the harm of innocent children it becomes a bit more extreme hence u get the hang em. as an adult its hard to deal with sexaul assualt can u imagine how the kids feel. and for the most part most of the sex pervs, they end up killing the child to try and not get caught. Thats the part parents and society cant get used to
                          When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                          "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                          Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


                          • Originally posted by PLATO
                            Vigilante justice can't be allowed. This guy probably deserved it, but you still can't have it.
                            Sorry if I missed somethign here, but didn't he (supposedly) do nothign more than show kids porn? That hardly justifies beating him. If a kid sees a nipple on TV is some executive going to get beaten? Should we beat store clerks who don't bother putting the pornos behind a cardboard screen?
                            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                            Do It Ourselves


                            • Originally posted by General Ludd

                              Sorry if I missed somethign here, but didn't he (supposedly) do nothign more than show kids porn? That hardly justifies beating him. If a kid sees a nipple on TV is some executive going to get beaten? Should we beat store clerks who don't bother putting the pornos behind a cardboard screen?

                              see my post. Of course there is very little wrong to showing a naked picture to a child. But the fact was he was interacting with them and luring them with the porn. A true mark of a molester. True, we can't gauge his true intentions, but I think we have a pretty good idea.

