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Yanks better convert to Islam, or bad things will happen (AlQaeda)

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  • #76
    What's worse: furries or adult babies? I vote adult babies.


    • #77
      Whats adult babies?
      I need a foot massage


      • #78
        WARNING: You probably don't want to know. Turn back now. If you insist, you were warned:

        Adults who, er, enjoy being babies. Think underwear. It's a sexual thing for most of them. Often their significant others change them and give them their ba-bas before having sex with them. See SomethingAwful's Weekend Web for details, they've basically replaced the furries at this point.

        EDIT: Oh, and as to Aj's question, I'd say it depends. The Furries who think they just have animal spirits or some crap like that are definitely better than the babies. The ones who hump plush toys are about tied with them. The ones who screw their pets are worse.
        1011 1100
        Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


        • #79
          Ok, this thread is going places that it should not go, and needs to be closed.


          • #80
            Sure, but to get back to your idea that atheism is a religion. I don't follow any particular rules that are related to the lack of a god, neither do I consider Darwin and Nietzsche as "prophets" of any kind, they just made important contributions to science and philosophy. I guess this makes me a "non-practicing atheist"

            Of course do you follow rules. You follow your own rules. Atheists have a god as well, the god is the atheist itself. And there are other gods, like sex, money, fun, power, etc. All the ancient gods were like that. Baal was the god of money. Is the Baal not worshipped in our time? Of course in a different way, but it still is. Not with alters but with a devotion of the lives of many! How many sacrifices aren't made for money? For sex? For power? Of course not on an alter, but who said that religion has to be done in the ancient way?

            What is a god?
            A god is something you give authority to.
            Something you worship and value high.
            Something you want to sacrifice things for.

            And of course do not all atheists see Darwin and Nietzsche as prophets. Neither do all theists see muhammed and moses as prophets.

            And what is science? Science is of all ages. And in all ages people used different definitions of science and believed that their science was the perfect science. And science has always backed up the leading religion. That was christianity in the middle ages and it's atheism in the modern age.

            What is a prophet?
            I think a prophet is someone who comes with a message that changes your life. Someone who's message has an impact on a life, and most important, the message of a prophet is the base for people to put base their lives on. In that perspective Darwin is a prophet of atheism. Not because he was an atheist himself or because evolution = atheism, since it is not. But because atheism couldn't really become what it is without Darwin. Of course one can be an atheist without Darwin. There are christians who reject Paul as well. And there are theists who accept Moses but reject Jesus (they're called Jews). But no one can reject that Darwin was important for atheism.

            And that he backed his message upon science and not on revelation or faith doesn't change a thing. Science (or the human view on science) is just the leading method in our days. In the future they may have all new methods. Don't make the mistake of thinking about your own methods and leading thoughts as the ultimate truth. They've done that in all days. In the end it's just that almost no-one can think outside of the box of their times.

            "You only live once, live it to the max" proves that atheism is a religion. It comes with a dogma: "You only live once" and it gives rules: "Live to the max". It comes with music ("It's my life, it's my life") and moves (hip hop, R&B, house) and a way of life.

            Relgion is just living a life that reflects your view on the sence of life and how to do it as perfect as possible.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #81
              INSALLAH, they will kill VJ the infidel before they kill me!
              I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


              • #82
                Conversion of a westerner to Islam is prima facie evidence of insanity.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #83
                  A little food for thought in Iraq...

                  A List of Captured or Killed al Qaeda in Iraq #2’s

                  3 September 2006 | Zarqawi | 1 Comment

                  I’ve tried to make it easier to list all of the al Qaeda in Iraq #2’s I’ve been keeping track of for the last year. Here’s the complete list to the best of my knowledge. As of today, there are 39.

                  Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi, aka Abu Humam, aka Abu Rana (9-3-06)

                  * al Qaeda in Iraq’s “second most senior member.”

                  Mansur Suleiman al-Mashhadani (6-20-06)

                  * Zarqawi’s “a right-hand man”

                  Mohammed Hila Hammad Obeidi (4-06-06)

                  * “said to have close ties to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Abu al-Farouq (2-27-06)

                  * “previously unknown;” “top aide.”

                  Bilal Mahmud Awad Shebah, aka Abu Ubaydah (10/14/05)

                  * “Gatekeeper, Courier, Confidant of Zarqawi.”

                  Sa’ad Ali Firas Muntar al-Dulaimi, aka Abu Abdullah 10/15/05)

                  * “Highly regarded” by top Al Qaeda in Iraq leaders, including the group’s chief, Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

                  Abu Azzam (9/27/05)

                  * ‘The No. 2 official in the al-Qaida in Iraq organization.’
                  * “The top deputy to Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Mohammed Salah Sutton, aka Abu Zubair (8/14/05)

                  * “A lieutenant of al-Qaida terror boss Abu Musab al Zarqawi.”

                  Abu Abd al-Aziz (7/13/05)

                  * “Zarqawi’s ‘main leader in Baghdad’”

                  Khalid Suleiman Darwish, aka Abu Alghadiya (6/26/05)

                  * A Syrian dentist…was described by Arab media as the ‘number two’ in Iraq’s al Qaeda network and tipped to succeed its leader Abu Musab Al Zarqawi.”

                  Mohammed Khalaf Shakar, aka Abu Talha (6/17/05)

                  * “A top lieutenant of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Mullah Mahdi, aka Abu Abdul Rahman (6/4/05)

                  * “Suspected deputy of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Abu Karrar (5/27/05)

                  * “The Washington Post quoted a Zarqawi lieutenant by the nom-de-guerre of Abu Karrar as saying the Jordanian militant was shot and wounded in fighting with US forces near the western city of Ramadi.”

                  Mullah Kamel al-Assawadi (5/25/05)

                  * “Described as one of al-Zarqawi’s top lieutenants.”

                  Agha Umar (5/25/05)

                  * “A top aide to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Amar Adnan Muhammad Hamzah al-Zubaydi, aka Abu al-Abbas (5/9/05)

                  * “A high-ranking aide to terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Ghassan Muhammed Amin Husayn al-Rawi (4/26/05)

                  * “A key associate of Iraq’s most wanted militant, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Hamza Ali Ahmed al-Wdimizyar, aka Abu Majid (beginning of April-05)

                  * “Zarqawi associate”

                  Salman Aref Abulkadir Khwamurad al-Zardowe, aka Abu Sharif (beginning of April-05)

                  * “Zarqawi associate”

                  Taifor Abulsattar Malallah (3/8/05)

                  * “One of the ‘princes’ of Musab al-Zarqawi’s terrorist group.”

                  Talib Mikhlif Arsan Walman al-Dulaymi, aka Abu Qutaybah (2/25/05)

                  * “Iraqi forces have captured a man described as a trusted aide to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Mohammed Najm Ibrahim, aka Mohammed Najm (2/25/05)

                  * “Zarqawi lieutenant”

                  Adel Mujtaba, aka Abu Rim (2/20/05)

                  * “A propaganda chief of al-Qaeda’s frontman in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Anat Mohammed Hamat al-Kays, aka Abu Alid (1/28/05)

                  * “High-level Zarqawi lieutenant”

                  Sami Mohammed Ali Said Jaaf, aka Abu Omar Kurdi (1/25/05)

                  * “A senior aide to Abu Musab al Zarqawi”
                  * “The ‘most lethal’ top lieutenant of Al Qaeda’s leader in Iraq.”

                  Ismael Jeddan (1/23/05)

                  * “The raids also netted a man identified as Ismael Jeddan, an alleged associate of al-Zarqawi.”

                  Ali Hamad Ardani Yasin Isawi (1/20/05)

                  * “top lieutenant”

                  Inad Mohammed Qais (1/20/05)

                  * “The deputy prime minister for national security affairs, Barham Salih, later told a news conference that authorities have arrested a third Zarqawi lieutenant.”

                  Salah Salman Idaaj Matar Luhaybi, aka Abu Sayf (12/31/04)

                  * “Zarqawi’s chief of operations in Baghdad”

                  Fadil Hussain Ahmed al-Kurdi, aka Abu Ubaydah al-Kurdi, aka Ridha (12/30/04)

                  * “A senior member of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s network.”

                  Abdul Aziz Sa’dun Ahmed Hamduni, aka Abu Ahmed (12/22/04)

                  * “Zarqawi-linked leader”

                  Hassan Ibrahim Farhan Zyda (12/14/04)

                  * “An aide to Iraq’s most-wanted man, Jordanian Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Abu Saeed (11/26/04)

                  * “A lieutenant of Iraq’s most feared terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Nameless (10/23/04)

                  * The US military has arrested a ’senior leader’ in the network run by Jordanian mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Omar Yusef Juma’a, aka Abu Anas al-Shami (9/25/04)

                  * “A senior aide of the Jordanian al Qaeda mastermind, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”

                  Umar Baziyani (6/4/04)

                  * “A top aide of al-Qaeda suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”
                  * “His capture removes one of Zarqawi’s most valuable officers from his network.”

                  Abu Mohammed Hamza (2/24/04)

                  * “A key lieutenant to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

                  Hassan Ghul (2/23/04)

                  * “The letter was found on al-Zarqawi lieutenant Hassan Ghul, a Pakistani captured in Iraq.”
                  * The letter in reference was a “17-page letter to senior al Qaeda leaders written by terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who asked for help starting a Muslim civil war between Iraqi Sunnis and Shiites.”

                  Nameless (4/30/03)

                  * “An associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been captured in the Baghdad area.”
                  Last edited by DRoseDARs; September 4, 2006, 08:40.
                  The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                  The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by CyberShy
                    Sure, but to get back to your idea that atheism is a religion. I don't follow any particular rules that are related to the lack of a god, neither do I consider Darwin and Nietzsche as "prophets" of any kind, they just made important contributions to science and philosophy. I guess this makes me a "non-practicing atheist"

                    Of course do you follow rules. You follow your own rules. Atheists have a god as well, the god is the atheist itself. And there are other gods, like sex, money, fun, power, etc. All the ancient gods were like that. Baal was the god of money. Is the Baal not worshipped in our time? Of course in a different way, but it still is. Not with alters but with a devotion of the lives of many! How many sacrifices aren't made for money? For sex? For power? Of course not on an alter, but who said that religion has to be done in the ancient way?

                    What is a god?
                    A god is something you give authority to.
                    Something you worship and value high.
                    Something you want to sacrifice things for.

                    And of course do not all atheists see Darwin and Nietzsche as prophets. Neither do all theists see muhammed and moses as prophets.

                    And what is science? Science is of all ages. And in all ages people used different definitions of science and believed that their science was the perfect science. And science has always backed up the leading religion. That was christianity in the middle ages and it's atheism in the modern age.

                    What is a prophet?
                    I think a prophet is someone who comes with a message that changes your life. Someone who's message has an impact on a life, and most important, the message of a prophet is the base for people to put base their lives on. In that perspective Darwin is a prophet of atheism. Not because he was an atheist himself or because evolution = atheism, since it is not. But because atheism couldn't really become what it is without Darwin. Of course one can be an atheist without Darwin. There are christians who reject Paul as well. And there are theists who accept Moses but reject Jesus (they're called Jews). But no one can reject that Darwin was important for atheism.

                    And that he backed his message upon science and not on revelation or faith doesn't change a thing. Science (or the human view on science) is just the leading method in our days. In the future they may have all new methods. Don't make the mistake of thinking about your own methods and leading thoughts as the ultimate truth. They've done that in all days. In the end it's just that almost no-one can think outside of the box of their times.

                    "You only live once, live it to the max" proves that atheism is a religion. It comes with a dogma: "You only live once" and it gives rules: "Live to the max". It comes with music ("It's my life, it's my life") and moves (hip hop, R&B, house) and a way of life.

                    Relgion is just living a life that reflects your view on the sence of life and how to do it as perfect as possible.
                    Yeah, let's all redefine things to make our points work


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by BeBro

                      Yeah, let's all redefine things to make our points work
                      You apparantly don't know much of the definition of religion. First of all there is no concensus of the definition of 'religion' at all thus it's open for debate anyway, secondly, the things I have named are valid points that are acknowledge by many.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • #86
                        No, you haven't named many valid points.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by CyberShy
                          Atheists have a god as well, the god is the atheist itself.

                          I'm sorry, but speaking for myself as an atheist (and I cannot claim to speak for any other atheist) that's utter rubbish.

                          A god is a supernatural deity- you may believe in a god that exists outside of human time and space, or in an animist fashion, you may believe in gods that inhabit mountains, rocks, trees, rivers and seas.

                          I do not 'worship' myself, nor do I believe that I exist outside of measurable time and space, nor do I believe that I can perform feats of magic, or that I can pray for divine intervention for the fulfilment of venal desires, nor do I believe that some unseen deity requires animal or human sacrifices or that if I kill myself and others I will be granted access to some otherworldly paradise.

                          I do hold that having only one life to live, I should try to make the best of it here on earth; that the norms of civil society require that I not treat my fellow human beings (whatever their religious outlook) as cattle or subhumans, and that I should not attempt to restrict their rights in a civil society only to those expounded in books written over periods of hundreds of years and compiled a few thousands of years ago.

                          "You only live once, live it to the max" proves that atheism is a religion. It comes with a dogma: "You only live once" and it gives rules: "Live to the max". It comes with music ("It's my life, it's my life") and moves (hip hop, R&B, house) and a way of life.

                          I'm afraid it does nothing of the sort. Firstly, what makes you assume that there is a single 'atheism' that fits all sizes ? There isn't.

                          Secondly, there are no atheist 'dogmas'. All that is required to be an atheist is not to accept the proposition that there is or are a supernatural deity or deities. There is no Official Church or Cult of atheism to expound dogmas or to hold atheist heretics in contempt of the Revealed Truth of Atheism.

                          I do not believe in a god or gods, having yet to be presented with anything like a reason to believe in them, or undeniable proof of their existence. Not a dogma, or an article of faith (in the religious sense), but an observation.
                          Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                          ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                          • #88
                            But you have RULES!


                            • #89
                              Hell no, we can't afford that turn of anarchy at the moment! Besides I don't think the US ever discovered Divine Right
                              Speaking of Erith:

                              "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by BeBro
                                But you have RULES!
                                Ergo, 'Monopoly', chess, the Highway Code and X-Factor and Big Brother are religions or gods, according to Cybershy's remarkably loose and baggy definition of what is either a god or a religion.

                                Even a tasty recipe could be a religious text.

                                Umm, all hail mattar paneer, chermoula, mulligatawny soup and Linzertorte, the pantheon for the new millennium !!!!!
                                Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                                ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915

