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Yanks better convert to Islam, or bad things will happen (AlQaeda)

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  • A god is something you give authority to.
    Something you worship and value high.
    Something you want to sacrifice things for.
    I guess my ex was a Goddess after all
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • i dont know anyone, off the top of my head, who has converted to Islam, but Im quite sure a sane person could.

      What I dont think they could do would be to join a kind of Islam approved by Zawahiri, based on threats like this.

      " A new videotape has surfaced featuring Osama bin Laden's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and an American member of al Qaeda wanted by the FBI, according to a counterterrorism expert.

      The tape, called "Invitation to Islam," runs 48 minutes, expert Laura Mansfield said. Al-Zawahiri speaks for about 4 minutes on the tape, and the American narrates the rest.

      Californian Adam Gadahn, wearing a white robe and turban, introduces the message by calling on Westerners to convert. (Watch Gadahn accuse President Bush of not caring about U.S. troops -- 5:42)

      Gadahn says that even Americans working with President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are invited to embrace Islam, but they should hurry."

      Can we now agree that Zawahiri et al DO hate our freedom?
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • Anyone else notice how the Al Qaeda boogeyman mentions the 'Bush and Blair world order?' As in the only people who talk of world orders are on the side of Al Qaeda?

        Oh, I must also apoligize for my recent absense from poly as I was readmitted to the hospital to deal with more problems from a car accident I had back in February. That is why I have I have not been around to post on the globalists and my other views on things.
        "Truth against the world" - Eire


        • Yes, Loin, but the term "supernatural" implies a separation from nature, obviously. As in things unbound by the normal laws of physics, et cetera. The basilisk and minotaur were operating within their inventors' conception of nature; that conception was just remarkably loose and open-ended. They had no reason to think that a snake couldn't be so venomous by nature that it could kill you by looking at you. The Olympian gods definitely had to comply with certain natural laws, though to what extent was hazy and varied over time; they could be injured in battles with mortals, for example, or beaten in contests of skill. They were just remarkably powerful natural beings. The real "supernatural" beings in their pantheon were probably the Fates, who were the real unmovable actors behind the scenes.
          1011 1100
          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


          • Originally posted by Elok
            Yes, Loin, but the term "supernatural" implies a separation from nature, obviously. As in things unbound by the normal laws of physics, et cetera.
            Somebody hurling lightning bolts certainly isn't being bound by the normal laws of physics. Granted that the Fates are less bound than Zeus and could be considered "more" supernatural, but Zeus is still separate from nature by virtue of the fact that he can toss around lightning bolts.
            <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


            • To us, yes, but I'm saying the ancients' conception of what was and wasn't "natural" could be rather sketchy. From their perspective, lightning was part of the natural world, and Zeus was an integral part of that natural world insofar as he was the one who threw the things. Much as love was caused by golden arrows, and hate by lead-tipped ones, provided they were fired by Eros. And winter was caused by Demeter mourning for her separation from her daughter. These beings didn't operate outside the natural order of things (as with the Judeo-Christian deity); they were implements of that order. It's a fine distinction, but I think it's important.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • Originally posted by Oerdin
                If I convert to Islam can I have sex with underaged girls and behead people I don't like? Their prophet got to do it.
                actually this is one of the problems in Islam, their prophet got to do a few things that were proscribed to ordinary muslims. The underage bride was apparently related by custom, so he wasn't supposed to be able to marry her. So you can't for instance marry the underage daughter of someone you made a verbal relative if you converted, even though he could.
                Last edited by Whoha; September 5, 2006, 14:33.


                • Originally posted by loinburger
                  Somebody hurling lightning bolts certainly isn't being bound by the normal laws of physics. Granted that the Fates are less bound than Zeus and could be considered "more" supernatural, but Zeus is still separate from nature by virtue of the fact that he can toss around lightning bolts.
                  That reminds me of bombardier beetles
                  BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
                  The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


                  • Cat Stevens converted to Islam.
                    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                    • Originally posted by Brachy-Pride
                      Whats adult babies?
                      The whiny people who look like adults but who act like babies.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • Or the adults who get their jollies by acting like babies.
                        The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                        The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                        • Cyber-Shy, you obviously know jack sh*t about what Atheism is and your coments come across as downright bigoted.

                          I DO NOT worsphip myself, I DO NOT worship ANYTHING. You are confusing worship and reverence, reverence doesn't necessarily have religious overtones, I have reverence for the natural world, that doesn't mean I worship it.

                          Modern Science is not "Atheistic," theological questions are OUTSIDE the scope of science, Modern Science and Theology are totally unrelated fields. Religion is irrelevent to Modern Science just as much as the life Alexander the Great is irrelevent to the life cycles of stars. Paleontologist Simon Conway Morris is a devout Christian, geneticist Richard Dawkins is an Atheist, neither's theological views have any impact on thier research.

                          Also, Darwin was not an Atheist, he was an Agnostic. the idea that Darwin was anti-religious is Creationist propaganda.


                          • Darwin was a Christian for quite a while, was even a clergyman for a bit, but his belief gradually declined. He was never an atheist, but towards the end professed he was an agnostic.


                            • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                              Cat Stevens converted to Islam.
                              That's what I'm saying!
                              He's got the Midas touch.
                              But he touched it too much!
                              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                              • Originally posted by Spiffor


                                A genuine Frenchwoman, raised by soft-catholic parents.

                                She is only "insane" insofar as she believes in God and wanted to explore religious Truth (If this is the mark of insanity, then we have billions of insane people on this planet - not a terribly useful depiction then).

                                She started out having real interest in catholicism, and became a staunch believer. Then, in her quest for religious knowledge, she explored Islam. She believed the claim that Islam is the final word of God, while both previous religions (Judaism and Christianty) are only incomplete parts.
                                She then chose to go for the full package, instead of believing in the incomplete truth she had started her life, and her quest for religious knowledge, in.

                                Now, I'm an atheist, and such a belief is completely alien to me (just like the belief in God-Jesus, Yahweh, or Shiva are alien to me). However, I found no more insanity in her approach in comparison with that of any other believer I know.
                                Ok that's one. So let me modify my statement: Any westerner who converts to Islam should be an object of worry and scrutiny for those close to them, as they are quite likely to be insane.
                                He's got the Midas touch.
                                But he touched it too much!
                                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!

