I recall reading somewhere that the reason the Croats were so insistent on keeping the Krajina, was that it controlled the only mountain pass leading from the main ethnically Croat parts of Croatia to the Dalmatian coast, which was considered essential to the new Croatian economy. Is that true, at least in part?
Seems to me the real problem in the western reaction, is that the failure to intervene on behalf of the Krajina Serbs, at the moment of Croatian independence, and avoid civil war and accompanying ethnic cleansing in Croatia, made it much harder for the West to get Serbs to take the Wests concerns seriously afterwards, and reinforced support for Milosevic.
I recall reading somewhere that the reason the Croats were so insistent on keeping the Krajina, was that it controlled the only mountain pass leading from the main ethnically Croat parts of Croatia to the Dalmatian coast, which was considered essential to the new Croatian economy. Is that true, at least in part?
Seems to me the real problem in the western reaction, is that the failure to intervene on behalf of the Krajina Serbs, at the moment of Croatian independence, and avoid civil war and accompanying ethnic cleansing in Croatia, made it much harder for the West to get Serbs to take the Wests concerns seriously afterwards, and reinforced support for Milosevic.