How would it look
I made an example of that:
First with Spain as the most powerful euro country from 1492 to the battle of rocroi.
Then France as the most powerful country till the french indian wars where France lost the almost parity with england on the sea.
After that I have both france and england sharing the most powerful euro country title.
Later, when Napoleon is exiled to elba I have england as the most powerful euro country.
England keeps the title for herself, till the french prussian wars, after that war she shares the title with germany.
Finally the Soviet Union gets the title after WW2, and after the soviet block falls, I dont know who has it, the EU maybe?
Please, criticize it, it is just an example I made in 10 minutes for this thread with my microsoft paint skills
I will be first to do that, and say I should have included the ottoman empire, at least till lepanto, and maybe mentioned the netherlands because of their hegemony on the seas for much of the XVII century.
I only made it from 1492 for brevity´s sake, but you can discuss the timeline up to roman times.
Anyway, what do you all think?
I made an example of that:
First with Spain as the most powerful euro country from 1492 to the battle of rocroi.
Then France as the most powerful country till the french indian wars where France lost the almost parity with england on the sea.
After that I have both france and england sharing the most powerful euro country title.
Later, when Napoleon is exiled to elba I have england as the most powerful euro country.
England keeps the title for herself, till the french prussian wars, after that war she shares the title with germany.
Finally the Soviet Union gets the title after WW2, and after the soviet block falls, I dont know who has it, the EU maybe?
Please, criticize it, it is just an example I made in 10 minutes for this thread with my microsoft paint skills
I will be first to do that, and say I should have included the ottoman empire, at least till lepanto, and maybe mentioned the netherlands because of their hegemony on the seas for much of the XVII century.
I only made it from 1492 for brevity´s sake, but you can discuss the timeline up to roman times.
Anyway, what do you all think?