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Amusing Babelfish game

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  • #16

    Original English Text:
    Winston is a pompous trout

    Translated to French:
    Winston est une truite pompeuse

    Translated back to English:
    Winston is a pompeuse trout

    Translated to German:
    Winston ist eine pompeuse Forelle

    Translated back to English:
    Winston is a pompeuse Forelle

    Translated to Italian:
    Winston è un pompeuse Forelle

    Translated back to English:
    Winston is pompeuse a Forelle

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Winston é pompeuse um Forelle

    Translated back to English:
    Winston is pompeuse a Forelle

    Translated to Spanish:
    Winston es pompeuse al Forelle

    Translated back to English:
    Winston is pompeuse to the Forelle
    I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

    Asher on molly bloom


    • #17
      So it's trouts now, eh?

      Well, I'm not interested.


      • #18
        There's supposed to be a greeting phrase which turns into a death threat by just translating it to Russion and back again two or 3 times in a row. I can't remember what it is though.

        And this game is WAAAAY older than babelfish.
        Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
        "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


        • #19
          Original English Text:
          The Ultimate Civilization Two site

          Translated to Japanese:
          最終的な文明2 サイト

          Translated back to English:
          Final civilization 2 site

          Translated to Chinese:
          最终文明2 站点

          Translated back to English:
          Final civilized 2 sites

          Translated to French:
          Final civilisé 2 sites

          Translated back to English:
          Final civilized 2 sites

          Translated to German:
          Abschließendes zivilisiert 2 Sites

          Translated back to English:
          Locking civilizes 2 Sites

          Translated to Italian:
          Il bloccaggio civilizza 2 luoghi

          Translated back to English:
          The blocking civilizza 2 places

          Translated to Portuguese:
          O civilizza de obstrução 2 lugares

          Translated back to English:
          Civilizza of blockage 2 places

          Translated to Spanish:
          Civilizza de los lugares de la obstrucción 2

          Translated back to English:
          Civilizza of the places of obstruction 2
          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


          • #20
            Original English Text:
            The first Greek Civilization two site

            Translated to Japanese:
            最初のギリシャ文明2 サイト

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek civilization 2 site

            Translated to Chinese:
            第一个希腊文明2 站点

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek civilization 2 sites

            Translated to French:
            Premiers sites grecs de la civilisation 2

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek sites of civilization 2

            Translated to German:
            Erste griechische Sites von Zivilisation 2

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek Sites of civilization 2

            Translated to Italian:
            Primi luoghi greci di civilizzazione 2

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek places of civilizzazione 2

            Translated to Portuguese:
            Primeiros lugares gregos do civilizzazione 2

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek places of civilizzazione 2

            Translated to Spanish:
            Primeros lugares griegos del civilizzazione 2

            Translated back to English:
            First Greek places of civilizzazione 2
            Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
            "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


            • #21
              Original English Text:
              Apolyton Civilization site

              Translated to Japanese:
              Apolyton 文明サイト

              Translated back to English:
              Apolyton civilization site

              Translated to Chinese:
              Apolyton 文明站点

              Translated back to English:
              Apolyton civilized site

              Translated to French:
              Site civilisé par Apolyton

              Translated back to English:
              Site civilized by Apolyton
              That would make a great tagline for affiliates of Apolyton...

              but, back where we left off:
              Translated back to English:
              Site civilized by Apolyton

              Translated to German:
              Site zivilisiert von Apolyton

              Translated back to English:
              Site civilizes from Apolyton

              Translated to Italian:
              Il luogo civilizza da Apolyton

              Translated back to English:
              The place civilizza from Apolyton

              Translated to Portuguese:
              O civilizza do lugar de Apolyton

              Translated back to English:
              Civilizza of the place of Apolyton

              Translated to Spanish:
              Civilizza del lugar de Apolyton

              Translated back to English:
              Civilizza of the place of Apolyton
              Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
              "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


              • #22

                Original English Text:
                Do you want to come back to my place, buouncy bouncy?

                Translated to French:
                Voulez-vous revenir à mon endroit, buouncy bouncy ?

                Translated back to English:
                Do you want to return to my place, buouncy bouncy?

                Translated to German:
                Möchten Sie zu meinem Platz, das bouncy buouncy zurückkommen?

                Translated back to English:
                Would you like to my workstation, which bouncy buouncy return?

                Translated to Italian:
                gradite alla mia stazione di lavoro, che ritorno bouncy di buouncy?

                Translated back to English:
                appreciate to my station of job, than return bouncy of buouncy?

                Translated to Portuguese:
                aprecie a minha estação do trabalho, do que bouncy do retorno do buouncy?

                Translated back to English:
                it appreciates my station of the work, of that bouncy of the rollback of buouncy?

                Translated to Spanish:
                ¿aprecia mi estación del trabajo, de eso bouncy de la restauración no actualizada del buouncy?

                Translated back to English:
                appreciates my station of the work, that bouncy of the restoration nonupdated of buouncy?


                • #23
                  Original English Text:
                  Bouncy Winston, for the win!

                  Translated to Japanese:
                  勝利のための弾力があるWinston 、!

                  Translated back to English:
                  Winston which is elasticity for victory,!

                  Translated to Chinese:

                  Translated back to English:
                  Is the elasticity for victory Winston,!

                  Translated to French:
                  Est l'élasticité pour la victoire Winston, !

                  Translated back to English:
                  Is elasticity for the Winston victory,!

                  Translated to German:
                  Ist Elastizität für den Winston Sieg,!

                  Translated back to English:
                  Elasticity for the Winston is victory,!

                  Translated to Italian:
                  L'elasticità per il Winston è vittoria,!

                  Translated back to English:
                  The elasticity for the Winston is Victoria,!

                  Translated to Portuguese:
                  A elasticidade para o Winston é Victoria,!

                  Translated back to English:
                  The elasticity for the Winston is Victoria,

                  Translated to Spanish:
                  La elasticidad para el Winston es Victoria,

                  Translated back to English:
                  The elasticity for the Winston is Victory,
                  Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                  "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                  • #24

                    Original English Text:
                    To be, or not to be, that is the question.

                    Translated to French:
                    Pour être, ou pour ne pas être, qui est la question.

                    Translated back to English:
                    To be, or not to be, which is the question.

                    Translated to German:
                    Sein oder nicht sein, das die Frage ist.

                    Translated back to English:
                    Its or not its, which is the question.

                    Translated to Italian:
                    Relativo o non relativo, che è la domanda.

                    Translated back to English:
                    Relative or not relative, that it is the question.

                    Translated to Portuguese:
                    Parente ou nao relativo, isso é a pergunta.

                    Translated back to English:
                    Relative relative or nao, this is the question.

                    Translated to Spanish:
                    El pariente o el nao relativo, éste es la pregunta.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The relative or nao relative, this one is the question.
                    Original English Text:
                    It has been said that Democracy is the worst form of government except all others that have been tried from time to time.

                    Translated to French:
                    On lui a dit que la démocratie est la plus mauvaise forme du
                    gouvernement excepté tous les autres qui ont été essayés de temps en temps.

                    Translated back to English:
                    It was said to him that the democracy is the worst shape of the government except all the others which were tested from time to time.

                    Translated to German:
                    Es wurde zu ihm gesagt, daß die Demokratie die falschste Form der Regierung ausgenommen alle andere ist, die von Zeit zu Zeit geprüft wurden.

                    Translated back to English:
                    It was said to it that the democracy is excluded the falschste form of the government all different one, which was checked occasionally.

                    Translated to Italian:
                    Si è detto ad esso che la democrazia è esclusa la forma del
                    falschste del governo quello tutto il differente, che è stato
                    controllato occasionalmente.

                    Translated back to English:
                    It has been said to it that the democracy is excluded the shape of
                    falschste of the government the that all different, that has been
                    controlled occasionally.

                    Translated to Portuguese:
                    Disse-se lhe que a democracia está excluída a forma do falschste do governo que toda diferente, aquela foi controlada ocasionalmente.

                    Translated back to English:
                    It was said that the democracy is excluded the form of falschste of the government that all different one, that one was burst

                    Translated to Spanish:
                    Fue dicho que la democracia está excluida la forma de falschste del gobierno que todo diverso, aquél era 0ccasionally repartido.

                    Translated back to English:
                    It was said that the democracy is excluded the form from falschste of the government who all diverse one, that one was Occasionally distributed.
                    Original English Text:
                    Beer is a sign that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

                    Translated to French:
                    La bière est un signe que Dieu nous aime et veut que nous soient heureux.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The beer is a sign that God loves us and wants that us are happy.

                    Translated to German:
                    Das Bier ist ein Zeichen, daß Gott uns liebt und wünscht, daß wir glücklich sind.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The beer is a character that God loves and requires us that we are lucky.

                    Translated to Italian:
                    La birra è un carattere che il dio ama e li richiede che siamo fortunati.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The beer is a character who the God loves and it demands them that we are fortunate.

                    Translated to Portuguese:
                    A cerveja é um caráter que o deus ame e os exija que nós somos afortunados.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The beer is a character that the god loves and he demands them that we are fortunate.

                    Translated to Spanish:
                    La cerveza es un carácter que el dios ama y él los exige que seamos afortunados.

                    Translated back to English:
                    The beer is a character that the God loves and it demands them that we are lucky.


                    • #25
                      For MMC,

                      Original English Text:
                      That is by far the ugliest avatar I've ever seen

                      Translated to French:
                      C'est l'avatar de loin le plus laid que j'ai jamais vu

                      Translated back to English:
                      It is the misadventure by far ugliest which I ever saw

                      Translated to German:
                      Es ist das häßlichste Mißgeschick bei weitem, das ich überhaupt sah

                      Translated back to English:
                      It is the haesslichste misfortune by far, which I saw at all

                      Translated to Italian:
                      È il misfortune del haesslichste di gran lunga, che ho visto affatto

                      Translated back to English:
                      It is the misfortune of the haesslichste by far, that I have seen at all

                      Translated to Portuguese:
                      É o infortúnio do haesslichste perto distante, isso que eu vi em tudo

                      Translated back to English:
                      It is the misfortune of haesslichste close distant, this that I saw in everything

                      Translated to Spanish:
                      Es la desgracia del cierre del haesslichste distante, la que vi en todo

                      Translated back to English:
                      It is the misfortune of the closing of haesslichste distant, the one that I saw in everything


                      • #26
                        Original English Text:
                        Wacky Winston wobbled all the way West.

                        Translated to Japanese:
                        風変りなWinston は西にずっとよろよろしていた。

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind change Winston directly had wobbled on west.

                        Translated to Chinese:
                        风更改Winston 直接地摇晃了在西部。

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind changed Winston directly to sway in the west.

                        Translated to French:
                        Le vent a changé Winston directement en balancement dans l'ouest.

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind changed Winston directly into swinging in the west.

                        Translated to German:
                        Der Wind änderte Winston direkt in das Schwingen im Westen.

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind modified Winston directly into swinging in the west.

                        Translated to Italian:
                        Il vento ha modificato Winston direttamente nell'oscillazione

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind has modified Winston directly in the oscillation in the west.

                        Translated to Portuguese:
                        O vento modificou Winston diretamente na oscilação no oeste.

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind directly modified Winston in the oscillation in the west.

                        Translated to Spanish:
                        El viento modificó directamente Winston en la oscilación en el

                        Translated back to English:
                        The wind directly modified Winston in the oscillation in the west.
                        Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                        "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                        • #27

                          Sometimes the intermediate results are the best.

                          Original English Text:
                          Drop your panties Sir William, I cannot wait till lunchtime

                          Translated to French:
                          Relâchez votre monsieur William de culottes, je ne peut pas attendre jusqu'au déjeuner

                          Translated back to English:
                          Slacken your Mr William of breeches, I cannot wait to the lunch

                          Translated to German:
                          Lassen Sie Ihren Herrn William der Hinterteile, ich kann nicht zum Mittagessen warten nach

                          Translated back to English:
                          Leave her Mr. William of the back parts, I can not to the lunch wait

                          Translated to Italian:
                          Lasci il suo sig. William delle parti posteriori, io non può
                          all'attesa del pranzo

                          Translated back to English:
                          Lasci its sig. William of the posterior parts, I cannot to the wait of the lunch

                          Translated to Portuguese:
                          Lasci seus sig. William do posterior parte, mim não pode à espera do lunch

                          Translated back to English:
                          Lasci its sig. William of the posterior part, me cannot to the wait of lunch

                          Translated to Spanish:
                          Lasci sus sig. Guillermo de la parte posterior, yo no puede a la espera del almuerzo

                          Translated back to English:
                          Lasci his sig. Guillermo of the later part, I cannot to the delay of the lunch


                          • #28
                            I think that when Babelfish fails to translate a word back into English (like "civilizza"), we should manually translate it back...that way we don't get random incomprehensible words in the final result.

                            Math is fun, blueberries are good, and dogs are cute. These are words to live by.

                            Il per la matematica è divertimento, i mirtilli sono buoni ed i cani sono cute. Queste sono parole da vivere vicino.

                            Pour les mathématiques il est divertimento, les mirtilli sont bons et les chiens sont cute. Ceux-ci sont des mots à vivre près.

                            For mathematics it is divertimento[fun], the mirtilli[blueberries] are good and the dogs are cute. Those are words with living near.

                            Para las matemáticas es diversión, los arándanos son buenos y los perros son lindos. Ésas son palabras con vivir cerca.

                            Pour ce qui est mathématiques il est divertissement, les airelles sont bonnes et les chiens sont jolis. Celles-là sont des mots de vivre près.

                            Για το οποίο είναι μαθηματικός είναι ψυχαγωγία, τα μύρτιλλα είναι καλά και τα σκυλιά είναι όμορφα. Εκείνοι είναι λέξεις για να ζήσουν κοντά.

                            For that she is mathematician it is entertainment, my'rtjlla[blueberries] they are good and the dogs they are beautiful. Those are words in order to they live near.

                            それのための彼女はそれが催し物の数学者、それらが美しい犬よくのブルーベリーである。それらは単語である 近く住んでいる

                            She for that that is the mathematician of entertainments and dog good blueberry where those are beautiful. Those are word, to be close you have lived.


                            • #29

                              not one thought of

                              one more turn

                              Translated to French:
                              un plus tour

                              Translated back to English:
                              more a turn

                              Translated to German:
                              mehr eine Umdrehung

                              Translated back to English:
                              more a revolution

                              Translated to Italian:
                              più un giro

                              Translated back to English:
                              more a turn

                              Translated to Portuguese:
                              mais uma volta

                              Translated back to English:
                              plus one it comes back

                              Translated to Spanish:
                              más uno se vuelve

                              Translated back to English:
                              plus one one becomes
                              anti steam and proud of it

                              CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                              • #30
                                Original English Text:
                                All your base are belong to us.

                                Translated to French:
                                Toute votre base sont appartiennent à nous.

                                Translated back to English:
                                All your base are belong to us.

                                Translated to German:
                                Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns.

                                Translated back to English:
                                Their whole lower surface are belong to us.

                                Translated to Italian:
                                Il loro intradosso intero è appartiene a noi.

                                Translated back to English:
                                Their entire lower surface is belongs to we.

                                Translated to Portuguese:
                                Sua superfície mais baixa inteira é pertence-nos.

                                Translated back to English:
                                Its surface lower entire is belongs to us.

                                Translated to Spanish:
                                Su entero más bajo superficial es pertenece a nosotros.

                                Translated back to English:
                                Its superficial lower whole number is belongs to us.

