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Damn USA! HA! "Syria wants talks with US over Lebanon crisis"

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  • #46
    No, that's the war with the Palestinians. Israel's butchering on two fronts right now.
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • #47
      Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Damn USA! HA! "Syria wants talks with US over Lebanon

      Originally posted by chegitz guevara

      What I've read disagrees.
      You mean you disagree with it because it doesn't fit your view that Hezbollah wouldn't have attacked civilians...

      "Hezbollah fired at a number of northern Israeli towns," the Israeli military said.

      Shame on you Edan. You didn't attribute your quote.
      Uh, I did.

      The fighting Wednesday erupted around 9 a.m., when Hezbollah attacked several northwestern Israeli towns with rocket fire, wounding several civilians, the Israeli military said.
      But don't let facts get in your way.
      Last edited by Edan; July 27, 2006, 09:14.
      "I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best." - Gracie Allen


      • #48
        I've been telling You Damascus called for talks since the beginning of the crisis. Many officials been saying that for weeks. It's USA that didn't want that, somehow.
        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
        Middle East!


        • #49
          Re: Re: Damn USA! HA! "Syria wants talks with US over Lebanon crisis"

          Originally posted by chegitz guevara
          Originally posted by SlowwHand
          If Syria ends up as one huge crater, it's not too soon for me.

          Why are you such a blood-thirsty monster?

          BTW, Hezbollah wanted to talk from day one. It's Israel who's not interested.

          One day people like you will be gone from this world. I just hope you don't take the rest of us with you.
          Hezbollah wanted to get hundreds of terrorist prisoners released in exchange for a couple of israeli soldiers, in order to show that they were the heroic protectors of Lebanon, able to defy Israel, and thus strengthen their position in defiance of UNSC 1559 and Lebanense soveriegnty. And to continue to stockpile missiles.

          And yes, in the past Israel DID exchange prisoners with Hezbollah. That hasnt worked out all that well.
          "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


          • #50
            it should have expected it and do not start this kind of politics.
            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
            Middle East!


            • #51
              Originally posted by chegitz guevara
              Israel doesn't want to talk. It never wants to talk. But it claims it has no one to talk to. The only language Israel understands is violence.

              Israel spent 10 years talking with Fatah. Sharon met with Abbas . Olmert met with Abbas recently, IIUC.

              The statement that Israel never wants to talk is a lie.
              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


              • #52
                Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                Originally posted by The Mad Monk
                Which is why they're always raiding Egypt and Jordan, right?

                Both countries wanted to negotiate with Israel long before Israel deigned to talk to them. The 1973 war was in part an attempt to force Israel to the negotiating table. Sadat asked for negotiations immediately after taking office.

                And in case you've forgotton, Israel raided both countries for decades, including one where they massacred the better part of a Jordanian village.
                Citation on Sadats request for negotiaion please. My memory says the Egypt was still refusing to meet with Israel, as per the 3 nos of the Rabat conference. Once Egypt had done better at war, in 1973, it was easier for Sadat to negotiate. But even so the negotiations started with limited seperation of forces agreements, made possible by the diplomacy of Henry Kissinger. The move to real peace talks only began when Sadat agreed to negotiate on the basis of Israels existence, and to visit Jerusalem - he did that largely out of fear that Carters invitation to international talks would bring the USSR back in, something he very much feared.

                And yes, Israel raided across the border, because Nasser and Syria sponsored fedayeen attacks on Israel.
                "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Spiffor
                  Funny that, there was a time where Egypt and Jordan were crazy madmonsters, who were frothing at the mouth and wanted only to destroy Israel. How come Israel had accepted to talk with them?

                  Thats an absurd simplification of Israeli relations with Jordan and Egypt. I suggest reading Michael Oren's Six Days of War for a good intro to Israeli-Egyptian relations under Nasser.
                  "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                    No, I'm saying the only way they can get it is by finally stoping their cruelty and treating their neighbors as sovreign states.
                    Then their neighbors have to assume responsibiltiy for their territory, as sovereign states do.
                    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                      No, that's the war with the Palestinians. Israel's been attacked on two fronts
                      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

