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US giving assylum to N. Korean refugees

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Urban Ranger

    That's exactly what we did. The Vietnamese boat people were supposely here only temporarily, until some other country gives them citizenship.

    Well, guess what? These other countries got tired after awhile and we got stuck with thousands of them.

    The policy is averting a nice social problem - not to mention a political one.
    Good, they'll do the jobs the Chinese won't.

    Just think about this. Suppose the PRC declares that they will allow DPRK refugees* to stay until they could go to RoK, the US, or some other country tomorrow, what would happen?

    What kind of infrastructure would be needed to house them, feed them, and cloth them? What if the RoK suddenly decides that millions of DPRK refugees are too many for them to handle and refuses to accept more?

    Humanitatian is nice and all, but I am afraid throwing open the gates will create a much bigger problem.

    * I am not sure if they are refugees either, but I won't be arguing over this point at the moment.
    This doesn't make any sense as written. Why not just deport them to South Korea instead of North Korea? If South Korea isn't willing to take them, then you can send them back to die in North Korea. But don't expect to not be called bastards for it.
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"


    • #62
      Bosh, right. I just look it at from negotation point of view with the added 'let them in' factor. I see unification of Korea far more important, that would help all North Koreans. Defecting and refugee action has never solved any problems.

      If you want to show the failures of NK, and be at the same table negotiating, you're in for something that will not go well. NK might become more unpredictable and the only positive side from getting maybe few more thousand defectors is that China would become closer to the West because it doubts NK leadership as well.
      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #63
        That's exactly what we did. The Vietnamese boat people were supposely here only temporarily, until some other country gives them citizenship.

        Well, guess what? These other countries got tired after awhile and we got stuck with thousands of them.
        How about this then: forward to the US or SKorea as many refugees as they're willing to take and if there's any left boot them back to the North. That way (unlike now) you don't get bunches of NKoreans wandering around China. It's really not hard to come up with a sane policy for this sort of thing.

        What kind of infrastructure would be needed to house them, feed them, and cloth them? What if the RoK suddenly decides that millions of DPRK refugees are too many for them to handle and refuses to accept more?
        Tell SKorea that you'll boot the refugees back unless they pay for everything. I'm sure they could be shamed into coughing up the $$, if not boot them back into NKorea, I'm sure that would get the US to pick up the slack.

        And why the hell would deporting everyone to SKorea be so much harder than deporting them to NKorea?

        Also right now you have thousands and thousands of NKoreans with no money and no papers wandering around China AND you have to deal with all of the infastructure involved in rounding them up and deporting them to the north. Isn't that a problem at all.

        What's needed isn't for the Chinese government to do humanitarian acts, merely to stop doing evil acts.

        Defecting and refugee action has never solved any problems.
        Helped a hell of a lot of refugees. It also helped bring down the East German government.
        Stop Quoting Ben


        • #64
          So, you want the other million cases it did nothing except help few individuals? SOlving the problem, why there were refugees in the first place helps more people than scattering them around.

          Not saying we shouldn't let refugees move. Just saying, it's a pimple in a crater.
          In da butt.
          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Pekka
            So, you want the other million cases it did nothing except help few individuals? SOlving the problem, why there were refugees in the first place helps more people than scattering them around.

            Not saying we shouldn't let refugees move. Just saying, it's a pimple in a crater.
            Well there's not all that much you can do for the people in NKorea at this time, what with its government or what not and helping the people who can be helped is a hell of a lot better than not helping anyone, especially when there's people outside of Korea who are actively contributing to their misery...
            Stop Quoting Ben

