9) Idealogue Reason: Grand experiment. Right-wing think-tanks like the Cato Institute are hungry for an opportunity to prove that things demanded by their ludicrous ideology actually work. They need a country that will implement flat taxes and privatize everything from water to schools to create an entrepreneurial paradise. A vanquished country -- like post-WW2 Japan or Germany -- is an opportunity to implement such notions. And that's what they have done in Iraq. Verdict: Failure.
8) Bootlicker Reason: Appeasement. Bin Laden orchestrated the WTC attacks because of the blasphemous presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia. This presence offends his nutty Wahhabi beliefs. The invasion of Iraq could be intended as a bribe to Bin Laden -- it deposes a sworn enemy of his, and it allows US to move its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Verdict: Success.
We wanted to get Saddam even before 9/11, but after 9/11 we had an excuse. And there aint no better place to fight a war on terrorism, Iraq is right in the middle of the region so our troops became a magnet. Thats what politicians in this country meant when they said it was better to fight them over there instead of over here, so we turned Iraq into a battlefield for the war on terror hoping to draw in as many terrorists as possible. You should replace the bootlicker reason to the magnet reason
