then why are you still arguing the point?
You realize that buildlings require architectural plans, right? And a change like that one will require a re-evaluation of those plans.....which (let me know if I'm going to fast now), ain't free?
And we can pretty well guess that the rooms exist....otherwise, there wouldn't be anything to'd then construction. Those definitions of words are such pesky details, I know!
Main Entry: re·fur·bish
Pronunciation: ri-'f&r-bish
Function: transitive verb
: to brighten or freshen up
Pronunciation: ri-'f&r-bish
Function: transitive verb
: to brighten or freshen up
I'm not exactly sure how that precludes construction, but I'm not an expert on technical terms in this subject.
Oh, and for the record....your side brought up the possibility of violence (and toilet orientation as a means of making it less likely)....ergo, my commenting on YOUR argument does not a strawman make. Recommend you familiarize yourself with the definition before slinging the word, 'k?
Ahh, so you've changed your mind again, yes?
"no one has said that this alone could trigger violence (what we have been saying is that it is a component to poor morale, which could lead to violence)."
Please actually read that.
You created caricatures of the prison population (and our characterization of them), which are clearly strawmen. Something can cause only mild resentment, and still contribute to violent behavior, particularly among a population accustomed to violence. It's not all or nothing. The point is that it's best not to needlessly antagonize the population, given that, if you're gonna believe the only folks who have any idea about what they're talking about, the change doesn't add significant costs.