Is that what sex with multiple young girls turns you into?
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Fundie Mormons going the way of the Branch Dravidians.
Originally posted by Berzerker
Btw, the SCOTUS said back in the 1870s that polygamy was not protected under the religious liberty clause of the 1st Amendment because our religious liberty is limited to thought or conscience. Thats what the court did to uphold a ban on polygamy, they turned the 1st Amendment on its head and gave us a law that atheistic communists could embrace - you can think what you like about God, you just can't do anything else like read a book, go to church, sing a hymn, or be baptised... without permission from Congress.
Now, he and his son, were nasty pieces of work.
The 14th Amendment was supposed to extend our freedoms under the Bill of Rights protecting us even from states, it did this by creating diual citizenship for Americans so if the state violates our constitutional rights the Feds are supposed to jump in. As for what they intended, its pretty clear already by what they wrote. Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Exercise means to act, preferably after thinkingbut the SCOTUS turned it into a freedom of thought. Besides, the ban on polygamy was over a religious dispute between the 1 or multiple wives Christian crowd so banning polygamy establishes religion which also violates the 1st Amendment.
I'm from Utah and was raised a moron excuse me Mormon. As soon as I was of legal age and was able to defy my parents and denounce the church I did. If you wanna hear Mormon bashing, Talk to me. You'll hear an earful of it. I know of all the reasons the church has for polygamy (they claim it was because of all the men that died coming to Utah and left so many women widowed and the men married them to provide for them and their children. At least thats the version they tell the good members of their church to hide the fact they are just lowlife child molestors. If that was the case, why did they marry young girls who weren't married to start with? hmmm) Utah has more cases of child molestation than any other state and yet it isn't reported because their holier than thou bishops hide it (likely because they themselves have done it as well). I could go on for several pages about their hypocracys and prejudgices but I'll leave it at this.
I'm thankful to be leaving Utah. I'm a minority there and have felt the wrath of many who are 'good mormans' because I'm not a member of their cult.
*Edit* Mormons hahaha can't even spell it right when I'm in a huffOne thing you gotta ask yourself... where are you now? -- James Blunt lyrics
Originally posted by Playful
I know of all the reasons the church has for polygamy (they claim it was because of all the men that died coming to Utah and left so many women widowed and the men married them to provide for them and their children. At least thats the version they tell the good members of their church . . .ACOL owner/administrator
Originally posted by Berzerker
Mind your own damn business until other cops stop enforcing laws selectively. The notion some politicos hundreds of miles away get to choose my local sheriff doesn't fly.
******* thieves are "protecting" the money...from the owners
Btw, the SCOTUS said back in the 1870s that polygamy was not protected under the religious liberty clause of the 1st Amendment because our religious liberty is limited to thought or conscience. Thats what the court did to uphold a ban on polygamy, they turned the 1st Amendment on its head and gave us a law that atheistic communists could embrace - you can think what you like about God, you just can't do anything else like read a book, go to church, sing a hymn, or be baptised... without permission from Congress.
Originally posted by AnnC
What church leaders apparently are not telling the faithful is that Mormons were driven out of one state after another because they practiced polygamy; it wasn't an adaption to circumstances after they arrived in Utah. They went from New York to Pennsylvannia to Ohio to Illinois (where Joseph Smith was killed by a mob) to Missouri, and finally settled in Utah where there were no other (white) residents to "persecute" them.
Originally posted by Playful
I'm from Utah and was raised a moron excuse me Mormon. As soon as I was of legal age and was able to defy my parents and denounce the church I did. If you wanna hear Mormon bashing, Talk to me. You'll hear an earful of it. I know of all the reasons the church has for polygamy (they claim it was because of all the men that died coming to Utah and left so many women widowed and the men married them to provide for them and their children. At least thats the version they tell the good members of their church to hide the fact they are just lowlife child molestors. If that was the case, why did they marry young girls who weren't married to start with? hmmm) Utah has more cases of child molestation than any other state and yet it isn't reported because their holier than thou bishops hide it (likely because they themselves have done it as well). I could go on for several pages about their hypocracys and prejudgices but I'll leave it at this.
I'm thankful to be leaving Utah. I'm a minority there and have felt the wrath of many who are 'good mormans' because I'm not a member of their cult.
*Edit* Mormons hahaha can't even spell it right when I'm in a huff
Originally posted by AnnC
What church leaders apparently are not telling the faithful is that Mormons were driven out of one state after another because they practiced polygamy; it wasn't an adaption to circumstances after they arrived in Utah. They went from New York to Pennsylvannia to Ohio to Illinois (where Joseph Smith was killed by a mob) to Missouri, and finally settled in Utah where there were no other (white) residents to "persecute" them.
Originally posted by Verto
Polygamy wasn't being practiced our taught until sometime around(depending on who you believe) Nauvoo, Illinois and the Utah trek. Missouri, for example, drove them out mostly because the Mormon community was largely made up of Northerners and English converts who threatened to overwhelm the pro-slavery voters in Missouri.
Joseph Smith was teaching polygamy in the early 1830s and he took his first documented "plural wife" in 1833 (when he was in Ohio).
And Mormons had no objection to slavery - they taught that dark-skinned people were descended from Ham (Noah's third son) and bore his curse, which was to be a slave to his brothers.ACOL owner/administrator
Actually Joseh Smith was killed after he and his band staged a pre-emptive strike on a sheriff planning to arrest him and the leaders of his band. After settling in Illinois he was informed by the sheriff that polygamy was illegal and that his group would have to give up the practice. In response his settlement announced their secession from the county and sety up their own government. The sheriff and a possee were fird upon when they rode out to quell the rebellion. It was after this that Smith was killed. Odds are that he would have been executed anyway."I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
And look at the Mormon faith today — millions upon millions of people follow it. I couldn't, knowing its roots. Same holds true with all the major religions ... they all likely have nasty skeletons in their closets. Hmphf. I guess it's human nature to corrupt the divine.
Gatekeeper"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
I question the validity of polygamy as deserving of legal protection.
My reasoning is that polygamy is essentially a type of relationship that reinforces unfair, sexist exploitation of women. With polygamous relationships, it also seems much more daunting to maintain any form of equality between partners and to sustain true intimacy with each wife a husband may have. So in the absence of equality in relationships and true intimacy, what is left but sexist exploitation of women?
This is not to say that monogamous relationships are flawless. There are examples of monogamous relationships where there is sexist exploitation or gender subordination in heterosexual, monogamous relationships. But there are also plenty of examples where the husband and wife in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship succeed in sustaining an equal relationship that includes true intimacy.
Even given the failure examples of some monogamous, heterosexual relationships, compared to polygamous relationships, monogamy offers more reasonable possibilities in sustaining relationships based on intimacy and equality.A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.