British news media today announced that the IDF were guilty of murder over the shooting of Briton Tom Hurndall in Gaza in 2003.
Whatever the circumstances of the shooting, I don't see why a Coroners Court in London can claim juristiction over the affairs of a sovereign state thousands of miles away. If a self-styled 'peace activist' chooses to intervene in a war zone surely there must exist the possibility of a tragedy.
Solicitor Michael Mansfield QC is demanding extradition of senior Israeli officers to stand trial in Britain.
I know my anti-interventionism is unfashionable, but surely a British court has no right to demand authority over another country. If so, then Brazil could righfully demand the extradition of whoever it chooses (eg: Ian Blair of the Met, PM Tony Blair etc) for murder over the shooting of a Brazilian by police at Stockwell tube station in London.
Ex-soldier Taysir Hayb is serving eight years in jail for the killing of Tom Hurndall.