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Israeli election thread

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  • Originally posted by Az
    Eli's right. This hope that the americans are going to see things our way in return to our withdrawal is really silly. What did we gain by our withdrawal from Gaza? zip. All the talk about a heavy handed response was bull****, and the security situation hasn't stabilized at all.
    I doubt youd see the international community so inclined to sanction Hamas had it not been for the withdrawl from Gaza. What effect that will have has yet to be seen. The support from Europe for sanctioning Iran has probably also, albeit more indirectly, been strengthened by the withdrawl; ditto re impacts.

    Not to mention US/UK cooperation in the Jericho prison incident.

    And of course headline in Haaretz today is yet another terrorist leader died in Gaza. IDF denies involvement. Still, I see no evidence that the IDF cant act in Gaza when it needs to due to the absence of settlements.

    In any case Az, AFAIK your hero does think withdrawls will add to Israels diplo position.

    OTOH right now hes trying to get a group of parties, INCLUDING Likud and NU/Mafdal to support him over Olmert to form a govt. Absolute cynicism, Id say.

    edit - the dead terrorists name is Abu Quka. While some are blaming the IDF, some of his followers are now fighting in the streets with the PA Preventive Security Service, whom they blame. (Is the PSS Dahlan's boys?)
    Last edited by lord of the mark; March 31, 2006, 09:10.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • I don't agree with him on everything.

      Meanwhile, I still ask "where's the beef". All you give me is "cooperation" and "inclination to agree" in situations that probably wouldn't have occured without the disengagement anyway ( Hamas being elected ).

      As to him getting people to support him, sadly he's not too active, it's actually likud themselves who are wondering. I'd love to have him with Likud in a government - they will be an anchor for him from going into dovish positions in negotiations.


      • Originally posted by Az
        I don't agree with him on everything.

        Meanwhile, I still ask "where's the beef". All you give me is "cooperation" and "inclination to agree" in situations that probably wouldn't have occured without the disengagement anyway ( Hamas being elected ).

        Im not sure its obvious what drove the Pal election. But are you claiming that if Hamas had NOT won, that there would have been a partner to negotiate with? That Abbas was serious about cracking down on terrorism? It just strikes me as odd that many of the same people who dismissed the possibility of making progress with Abbass and Fatah, now think that the election of Hamas, is a net cost of the evacuation.

        As to him getting people to support him, sadly he's not too active, it's actually likud themselves who are wondering. I'd love to have him with Likud in a government - they will be an anchor for him from going into dovish positions in negotiations.
        "Sources in Labor said talks were under way with Meretz, the Arab parties, and even the National Religious Party-the National Union, to ask them to recommend Peretz to the president. While Labor is said to realize Peretz's chances to form the coalition are slim, they want to use it as a threat to Kadima to raise the stakes in coalition negotiations."

        yes it is Avodah reaching out, apparently. And not to create Az' ideal of a socially left, security right coalition, but out of the most blatantly cynical maneuvering.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • edit - the dead terrorists name is Abu Quka. While some are blaming the IDF, some of his followers are now fighting in the streets with the PA Preventive Security Service, whom they blame. (Is the PSS Dahlan's boys?)

          PSS are indeed Dahlan's boys.
          I see no reason for them to do that now, that Hamas are their new bosses...

          Abu Quka was no. 2 (right behind Jamal Abu Samhadana) in the popular resistance comittees. They're a tiny franction which broke off from Fateh (Al-Aqsa Martyrs) and gathered several disappointees and retirees from all other terrorist groups (Hamas, Jihad etc).

          Their main effect right now is being Hamas' *****, as Hamas can't allow itself to directly sabotage the cease fire. The resistance comittees are used as proxy. Especially for Qassam rocket launching at Israel.

          The group is also the main suspect in the bombing of the American iplomatic convy in the norther Gaza strip town of Beit Hanun, on October 2003.


          • how are things going, fellow REMF?


            • even his fellow Labour pols are all over Peretz for the absurdityof a Labour - right wing coalition, and hes gone back on the idea. Meretz and Shas have endorsed Olmert, and its clear he will get the first chance to form a govt, which will almost certainly be center-left-religious, and may yet include Israel Beitenu.
              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

