Pseudo-intellectuals are people usually with good memory and a strong desire to have everyone believe they are intellectuals.
--Asher has a long public history of disrespect for the social sciences and humanities, especially any "soft" science or degree program not aimed at getting you a good job. Expecting him to respect Philosophy, no matter how academically rigorous, is silly. He's incapable.
--It's nice that when Asher disses the Apple GUI, he admits his discomfort with it is due to his unfamiliarity.
--What's wrong is for him to disagree with someone who likes the GUI and has no trouble switching between OSX and Wintel environments. If a GUI works for a user, it's good!
--And it's just as wrong for said bi-OS person to dis Asher for his lack of familiarity with OSX. The fact that different people need different amounts of time to learn an interface is pretty basic. The goal of GUI design is to minimize the time it takes to learn a program/device.
--I respect Asher's statements on GUI design becvause they are backed with academic knowlege. But I can't help but wonder if he's not just using his good memory and regurgitating classroom dogma...
--It's ridiculous to use a person's spelling (or in this case, typing) skills as a means of judging their intellingence. Especially when that person for whom English is a second language. Asher, this was low, even for you.
--Correct spelling is: judgment (not "judgement"). You all missed this one, so I guess I win.