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Denmark über alles

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  • Denmark über alles

    In a recent interview with the nationalist party Sverigedemokraternas youth organization, The Danish People Partys leader Pia Kjersgaard is determined to capitalize on the recent successes by the Party in the wake of the Mohammed drawing incidents. Feeling the Party has the support of a growing percentage of the danish population Pia Kjersgaard outlines the Partys policy on muslims if they come to power.

    So, we will be working to have a total solution to the muslim question. The programme is clear. It reads: total separation, total segregation! What does this mean? It does not only mean the total exclusion of the muslims from the danish economic system... It means much more! No dane can be expected to live under the same roof as muslims. The muslims must be chased out of our houses and our residential districts and made to live in rows or blocks of houses where they can keep to themselves and come into contact with danes as little as possible. They must be clearly identified.... And when we compel the rich muslims to provide for the `poor' of their race, which will certainly be necessary, they will all sink together into a pit of criminality. As this happens, we will be faced with the harsh necessity of eradicating the muslim underworld, just as we root out criminals from our own orderly state: with fire and sword. The result will be the certain and absolute end of muslims in Denmark; its complete annihilation!
    When asked if this policy isn´t a bit harsh. Pia Kjersgaard replies:

    Not really, If we´re ever really in power, the destruction of the muslims will be our first and most important job. As soon as we have power, we shall have gallows after gallows erected, for example, in Nörrebro in Copenhagen as many of them as traffic allows. Then the muslims will be hanged one after another, and they will stay hanging until they stink. They will stay hanging as long as hygienically possible. As soon as they are untied, then the next group will follow and that will continue until the last muslim in Copenhagen is exterminated. Exactly the same procedure will be followed in other cities until Denmark is cleansed of the last muslim!"
    Looks like it´s going to be a blast being a muslim in Denmark if the DFP ever come to power...
    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

  • #2
    Em, isn't that illegal? Even saying such a thing, let alone doing it?
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      good one


      • #4
        Tatilla, seems like DFP has their own definition of free speech...
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • #5
          Is this the Dansk Onion?
          Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
          Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
          Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


          • #6
            A lack of a sensible approach to the problem pushes sane people into the hands of racists. That's not a danish problem - same thing happened in France, and Belgium, AFAIK.


            • #7
              Re: Denmark über alles

              Originally posted by Zoid
              [...]Feeling the Party has the support of a growing percentage of the danish population [...]
              She could have a point, you know. According to the latest public opinion poll, conducted on 4-6 February at the height of the controversy, her party stands to get 32 seats in Parliament (a gain of 8), compared to 38 (a loss of 9) for the Social Democrats who have been completely non-present in the affair, and 51 seats for Venstre, the biggest government party.

              Worst result for the Social Democrats in 50 years, and obviously the best result for Danish People's Party in their 10 years of existence. All other parties than those two showed only minor fluctuations.


              • #8
                BTW, I'd like to see a source for those statements, Zoid. I don't believe a word of it.


                • #9
                  wow, that was harsh. It's good that she came out like that.. this will hurt the party, not help...
                  In da butt.
                  "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                  THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                  "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                  • #10
                    her party stands to get 32 seats in Parliament (a gain of 8), compared to 38 (a loss of 9) for the Social Democrats who have been completely non-present in the affair, and 51 seats for Venstre, the biggest government party.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Winston
                      BTW, I'd like to see a source for those statements, Zoid..
                      do you have a time machine?


                      • #12
                        Winston, the article was pulled from after pressure from the swedish security service (SÄPO). It´s strange that they don´t mention this on their website since they made such a fuss about the pulled pics of Mohammed... But their e-mail is
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #13
                          It's obviously a hoax. I'm not surprised you'd take it hook, line and sinker though, Zoid.

                          On a general note, if you can't provide a source for such incriminating statements, maybe you shouldn't post them, hm?


                          • #14
                            From a speech held by Pia Kjersgaard at DFP´s Party Days Rally in 2002...

                            . . . ECONOMICS is a secondary matter. World history teaches us that no people became great through economics: it was economics that brought them to their ruin. A people died when its race was disintegrated. Denmark, too, did not become great through economics.

                            A people that in its own life has lost honor becomes politically defenseless, and then becomes enslaved also in the economic sphere.

                            Internationalization today means only muslimization. We in Denmark have come to this: that a five million strong people sees its destiny to lie at the will of a few dozen muslim terrorists. This was possible only because our civilization had first been muslimizied. The undermining of the danish conception of personality by catchwords had begun long before. Ideas such as 'Democracy,' 'Majority,' 'Conscience of the World,' 'World Solidarity,' 'World Peace,' 'Internationality of Art,' etc., disintegrate our race-consciousness, breed cowardice, and so today we are bound to say that the simple Turk is more man than we are.

                            No salvation is possible until the bearer of disunion, the muslim, has been rendered powerless to harm.

                            1. We must call to account the september criminals of 2001. It cannot be that several thousand americans should have fallen in vain and that afterwards one should sit down as friends at the same table with traitors. No, we do not pardon, we demand - Vengeance!

                            2. The dishonoring of the nation must cease. For betrayers of their Fatherland and informers the gallows is the proper place. Our streets and squares shall once more bear the names of our heroes; they shall not be named after muslims. In the Question of Guilt we must proclaim the truth.

                            3. The administration of the State must be cleared of the rabble which is fattened at the stall of the parties.

                            4. The present laxity in the fight against usury must be abandoned. Here the fitting punishment is the same as that for the betrayers of their Fatherland.

                            5. The lies which would veil from us cur misfortunes must cease. The fraud of the present money-madness must be shown up. That will stiffen the necks of us all.

                            6. WE DEMAND IMMEDIATE EXPULSION OF ALL MULIMS WHO HAVE ENTERED DENMARK SINCE 1990, and of all those, too, who through trickery on the welfare institutions or through other shady transactions have gained their wealth.

                            Extremes must be fought by extremes. Against the infection of materialism, against the muslim pestilence we must hold aloft a flaming ideal. And if others speak of the World and Humanity we say the Fatherland - and only the Fatherland!
                            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                            • #15
                              seems like a bunch of racism - and I am telling you again - as long as there is no redress of the grievances of people who fear their values being not respected by immigrants by a pragmatic, democratic response, people will continue to flock to racist parties.

                              As long as mainstream politicians will say that there is no problem in the communities of muslim immigrants, that have to be treated through thorough assimilation to a liberal set of values, racists will seem like the last redress of voters.

                              It's not a surprise - everywhere in europe, this sort of rethoric gets a growing part of the vote.

                              In the netherlands, Pym Fortoyn (sp?) ran on such a platform, and also clearly distinguished himself as a non-nazi, and got a big chunk of the vote - do the center parties really thing that this issue is a non-issue in europe?

