Why don't ordinary Danish people take legal action against arab blackmailers? Why Danish people and civil right organizations sue them in courts? Blackmail is considered crime in all civilized countries. Why don't ordinary Danish people sue officials who violate constitutional freedom of speech right by firing editors and painters and by their apologies? You may cry about loss of Danish pride as much as you want, but take legal action. Demand those arab blackmailers living in Denmark to be expelled for legal reasons! Demand expulsion on Danish Arab who reported cartoons to Egypt. Demand legal punishments for tru Danish people who ciolated freedom of speech law.
Crying and condemning gives nothing.
People of Denmark, why don't you take action?
Why don't ordinary Danish people take legal action against arab blackmailers? Why Danish people and civil right organizations sue them in courts? Blackmail is considered crime in all civilized countries. Why don't ordinary Danish people sue officials who violate constitutional freedom of speech right by firing editors and painters and by their apologies? You may cry about loss of Danish pride as much as you want, but take legal action. Demand those arab blackmailers living in Denmark to be expelled for legal reasons! Demand expulsion on Danish Arab who reported cartoons to Egypt. Demand legal punishments for tru Danish people who ciolated freedom of speech law.
Crying and condemning gives nothing.
People of Denmark, why don't you take action?