Originally posted by Odin
He's the token anti-Bush guy. Mathews and Scarbourough are major Bush sycophants, so is Blitzer on CNN.
He's the token anti-Bush guy. Mathews and Scarbourough are major Bush sycophants, so is Blitzer on CNN.

You don't watch the same news I do. While Matthews is a moderate Democrat (yes, he worked for Carter.. it may be a shock for you), he is no Bush sycophant. And I've seen Scarbourough has critized Bush on NUMEROUS occasions, even with his Republican credentials. You ever see Scarbourough on Bill Maher's show? He is the 'conservative', but he's usually not very flattering to Bush.
As for Blitzer. He was sycophant to Clinton when he was in office, that's what he does.