Every union dispute seems to be either
1) Company is dying (airlines/GM)
2) Workers have it pretty good, especially compared to others in the area (New York transpo)
Maybe it's because those are the only ones that get ratings on TV news. I mean, with #1 you can blame the original problem on management pretty easily and usually the people who originally created the problems are gone. There just don't seem to be any clear workers are in the right and should get what they want situations anymore.
1) Company is dying (airlines/GM)
2) Workers have it pretty good, especially compared to others in the area (New York transpo)
Maybe it's because those are the only ones that get ratings on TV news. I mean, with #1 you can blame the original problem on management pretty easily and usually the people who originally created the problems are gone. There just don't seem to be any clear workers are in the right and should get what they want situations anymore.