The Aruban chief of police is blaming the media here and the mother of Natalee Holloway for disrupting the investigation making it harder to gather evidence. Here is the logic: the pressure they put on the investigators made it impossible to keep the suspects under surveillance. Pressure was put on Aruban authorities internally and from the US to arrest the suspects without enough evidence to convict. This was why the suspects were free, they were being watched.
Not that the media will learn a lesson from this, the logic is sound IMO and it shows just one consequence of an overbearing media. The wrong people were initially arrested in the rush to solve the case, then the people more likely involved with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway were hauled in before enough evidence could be gathered.
Not that the media will learn a lesson from this, the logic is sound IMO and it shows just one consequence of an overbearing media. The wrong people were initially arrested in the rush to solve the case, then the people more likely involved with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway were hauled in before enough evidence could be gathered.