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American Media Shares Blame in Aruba

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Dis
    The media will never be fair and balanced.

    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
      so Che do we not report anything?

      Since I complain about the reporting, you automatically go to the opposite extreme and suggest we should ban all reporting? Why not, perhaps, demand balanced reporting? How about the media stops treating exceptional crimes as nationally newsworthy events and concentrates on stuff in our areas and that actually might affect us as individuals and communities? I should think the fact that a serial killer is roaming up and down Florida's interstate's killing prostitutes would be more important for Floridians than some dude in California who killed his pregnant wife (which isn't really all that exceptional--murder is the leading cause of death for pregnant women --not that the media paid much attention to that aspect).

      It's not just murder and who gets murdered. Consider the media feeding frenzy in 2001 when Florida had a "record" number of shark attacks. Everytime someone got bit, it was national news!!! There were less people bit in 2001 than in 2000, and yet the media was acting like it the sharks around Florida had gotten a lot worse. More people died in their cars on the way to the beach than were killed by sharks. More people were injured in car accidents on their way to the beach than were bit by sharks. Instead of freaking out over a mediochre shark bite year, perhaps the media could have dicussed how bad the drivers in Florida are, and that they are the real menece to tourists.
      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


      • #33
        [QUOTE] Originally posted by chegitz guevara
        Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
        so Che do we not report anything?

        Since I complain about the reporting, you automatically go to the opposite extreme and suggest we should ban all reporting?
        I have known you are short time and never really had cross words but would now ask you how the heck my asking if we stop reporting anything constitutes a ban and going to the "extreme?
        Why not, perhaps, demand balanced reporting?
        I would but then again we do not own the media and they do what they please unfortunately
        How about the media stops treating exceptional crimes as nationally newsworthy events and concentrates on stuff in our areas and that actually might affect us as individuals and communities?
        I think this is a great idea
        I should think the fact that a serial killer is roaming up and down Florida's interstate's killing prostitutes would be more important for Floridians than some dude in California who killed his pregnant wife (which isn't really all that exceptional--murder is the leading cause of death for pregnant women --not that the media paid much attention to that aspect).
        no problems here

        It's not just murder and who gets murdered. Consider the media feeding frenzy in 2001 when Florida had a "record" number of shark attacks. Everytime someone got bit, it was national news!!! There were less people bit in 2001 than in 2000, and yet the media was acting like it the sharks around Florida had gotten a lot worse. More people died in their cars on the way to the beach than were killed by sharks. More people were injured in car accidents on their way to the beach than were bit by sharks. Instead of freaking out over a mediochre shark bite year, perhaps the media could have dicussed how bad the drivers in Florida are, and that they are the real menece to tourists.
        no problems here
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #34
          Originally posted by chegitz guevara
          Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
          so Che do we not report anything?

          Since I complain about the reporting, you automatically go to the opposite extreme and suggest we should ban all reporting? Why not, perhaps, demand balanced reporting? How about the media stops treating exceptional crimes as nationally newsworthy events and concentrates on stuff in our areas and that actually might affect us as individuals and communities? I should think the fact that a serial killer is roaming up and down Florida's interstate's killing prostitutes would be more important for Floridians than some dude in California who killed his pregnant wife (which isn't really all that exceptional--murder is the leading cause of death for pregnant women --not that the media paid much attention to that aspect).

          It's not just murder and who gets murdered. Consider the media feeding frenzy in 2001 when Florida had a "record" number of shark attacks. Everytime someone got bit, it was national news!!! There were less people bit in 2001 than in 2000, and yet the media was acting like it the sharks around Florida had gotten a lot worse. More people died in their cars on the way to the beach than were killed by sharks. More people were injured in car accidents on their way to the beach than were bit by sharks. Instead of freaking out over a mediochre shark bite year, perhaps the media could have dicussed how bad the drivers in Florida are, and that they are the real menece to tourists.
          no one cares about prostitutes. Surely you know about this.


          • #35
            wait according the the National Enquirer I glimbsed at the cover, the aruba teen called home last week. With Such a well trusted and accurate form of media information, this magazine is, why are they still looking for her?
            When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
            "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
            Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


            • #36
              it's good she checked in. Wouldn't want to worry her parents or anything.


              • #37
                maybe care about her & the other people in the world irreguardless of race,creed or ethnic background?

                Oh, sure, I'd like to. Why is it that the news media doesn't?

                you think your heart is big enough for that?

                Actually, I'll have to say it isn't. If I really tried to care about the **** that happened into the world, I'd end up in soul-crushing despair. As would anybody else who really did.

                I didnt see anywhere in the news about 1 phat booty-liscious "doin-da-butt-dat wild thang" that was missing in Aruba

                You know, I didn't see this either. Those same news sources, on the other hand, did suggest to me that she wasn't being a demure and chaste little girl while on the vacation that Daddy paid for.

                I did see where Natalie Holloway was

                I did see this. I also saw that some news channels were showcasing this event repeatedly, over and over, to the exclusion of many other stories, some possibly far more imporant and affecting more people. You know, the whole Spain legalizing Gay Marriage, terrorism in the Middle East, China wanting to buy American oil companies... I also found out, thanks to those news channels, that this white girl happened was able to afford an unsponsored, unofficial graduation vacation in Aruba thanks to how well off her parents are.

                Maybe you should get a thread up about these other folks that are exploited and sho nuff been dun wrong and then we can care about them?

                Funny, it seems that whenever a few other people comment on the conditions in North Korea, or mention that the Chinese keep sending NK refugees back to their deaths, nary a voice is raised--not even yours--about this travesty.
                Of course, they're faceless, since Fox News/CNN/MSNBC don't send camera teams to portray them; without pictures to lead the story and tug on liberal-guilt or conservative-anger heartstrings, why bother even mentioning them?
                I'll also admit, the whole starvation thing in the NK, the whole terrorism thing in the Middle East, even the genocide in Darfur aren't that great leading stories. Dead people without glamour shot photographs aren't as telegenic, especially if it's hundreds or thousands of them. They're just statistics, after all. Now, Natalie Holloway--that one young, nubile, attractive, and legal white girl--snuffed out like a candle in the wind, no less--that's a ****in' Tragedy with a capital ****in' T.

                Of course then they too would have a few moments of empathy and then some po white trash redneck would come along and say whom gives a flip about some crack whore who got nailed while high?

                Actually, you're right. Some poor white trash redneck would come along and say who gives a **** about a crack whore who got nailed while high. Difference in this case is that some reasonably educated, extraordinarily racist Asian-American (the only thing I don't have yet is the yellow hood and robe) is coming along and saying, who gives a **** about a rich white girl, as well as saying, who gives a **** about the poor, the tired, the hungry, the less fortunate mud-peoples. The answer? Well, it looks like scads in the media and the populace care about the former, whilst the latter has few speaking up for it. Indeed, it looks like the myriads like having the media tell them to care about their betters, and ignore the rest.

                doesnt even sound remotely funny does it?

                Actually, it does. Though not really funny, just midway funny. Kinda like Southwest's stock crashing is only midway funny, not truly funny. *points to signature* If it didn't sound funny, if you can't get perspective on things, well, then, I'm surprised the world hasn't crushed your soul in everlasting despair yet.

                nor does saying because Natalie Holloway is white she is a so called princess and deserves to come up missing and oh by the way because she comes from an affluent family and society she doesnt deserve squat?

                Wrong. I've never said she deserved to come up missing. I've never said the perpetrators of the crime don't deserve justice.
                Here's what I've said: she doesn't deserve the media attention.

                I'll say this. I've never liked Diana of Wales. She too was a well-off, priviledged white princess. I didn't care about her unhappy marriage, I didn't even care too much when she died. I figure, though, since she was somehow attached to the British Royal Family, that some of the media attention may have been deserved. Heck, that's not all Diana did--she even campaigned (perhaps misguidedly in only one circumstance, that of the DMZ) against land mines, which is in itself a thoroughly noble cause. It's a shame that someone perhaps a little more deserving may have had her death overshadowed at the same time (she happened to be of Eastern European descent. Agnes Bojaxhiu, or something, I believe her name was. What the **** is up with her name? No wonder so few people mentioned her on the telly. And, she was old, not a princess, and not that hawt, so...), but at least Diana had a few accomplishments.

                What has Miss Holloway done? Nothing. Heck, she's not even JonBenet Ramsey, who was under ten and had a modeling portfolio! (Admittedly, that murder was pretty ****ing creepy.)

                Its ok for you to bash folks who are your so called "approved list" for being heartless toward

                Let's make something clear--I'm not bashing Natalie Holloway so much as the attention being heaped on her. There is no "approved list" of people I'm heartless to--of that you can rest assured. I'm an equal-opportunity racially-unbiased misanthrope. I'm heartless to her because I see no reason why she should be elevated above the thousands, even millions of others suffering elsewhere.

                This is the reason why racial relations will allways be strained

                Wrong, my friend. Racial relations will always be strained because the people in power, the majority, will find ways of subverting and dominating those of the minority. It's a sad state of affairs that something such as ethnicity and skin tone defines who and who isn't in the majority, but that's that.

                because when a white person says its a shame a human being hahad something terrible happen and a nother person says "wait... the plight of my people is going unnoticed" and why should we care about her when all these things are happening to other people

                How about this? White people were murding other white people by the thousands, if not millions, in Europe during the early- to mid-90's. Admittedly, we'd occasionally get news reports, but nothing ever detailing the true scope, not on the major news networks. On the other hand, that OJ Simpson trial--everybody's heard of it. That's what led the news, that's what everyone focused on.

                White Princess vs. Thousands of non-photogenic, dead white people.

                Tragedy vs. Statistic.

                shame that a two-edge sword is at hand here

                No two-edged sword here, my friend. Just an insane desire to focus on the plight of one formerly well-off person as opposed to the plight of many more less fortunate.

                maybe Jesse can help when he is done with T.O. and then everyone in the world can know that only poor non-whites are worth reading about

                It's obvious that the mud-races aren't worth reading about, Grandpa.

                but why blame the family for trying to find their loved one?

                I'm not blaming the family for trying to find their loved one. You're missing the point entirely. The family can keep looking, for all I care, until the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012. I myself am disgusted by the media's reporting, the attention that was paid to it, on the other hand.

                But it burns my @zz when I hear people say your white and you get all the attention

                In the past several years, the majority of the big-ticket news coverage regarding missing persons have been about--you got it, WHITE people. Maybe they don't get ALL the attention, but they do get a disproportionate amount of it.

                I get my white azz out of bed everyday

                I go to work

                I pay my taxes and I come home to my family

                no one gives me $h!t

                I get my yellow ass out of bed every day, go to work, pay my taxes, and come home. Nobody gives me ****.
                Incidentally, that's an anecdote. The fact is that the media helps white people more often than not. Sure, there are plenty of white people ignored by the media. They also happen to be less well off. There are plenty of non-whites ignored by the media. They also happen to be less well off. Those that the media do help--well, they tend to be white. And well off. Them's the facts, Grandpa.

                but that doesnt mean we should condemn a family who is grieving because the color of their skin or the amount of money in their banking account

                I'm not condemning the family. I'm condemning the media, the attention.

                so you have a thing against white women?

                Yes, I haven't found one to date me.

                I think it's time people realize the news business is well... a business. They are out to make money. It just so happens most consumers of news are white. And most reporters are also white. So yes, a large number of reported stories does deal with white people.

                It just doesn't pay to get this upset over it. I was very upset over that missing girl case in Utah a few years back (the one where the guy took the 13 year old girl as his wife). Because at the same time a little mexican girl went missing from my city. One garners national attention, the other doesn't.

                Life is not fair. Get used to it. The media will never be fair and balanced.

                You're perfectly right, Dis. And truly, I'm not that torn up about it.

                My question is still the same:
                Why the **** should I care about Natalie Holloway?


                • #38
                  Just to let you know I do care about other people in action and not simply "words"

                  I have done missions projects in Foreign Countries and yes I do read daily about the plight of people missing and maimed,raped and totured, no, you have'nt seen my name nor have I seen yours, but have read about,prayed about and when led got involved, not because they were rich or poor but because they needed both prayer and support

                  Oh one other thing, because the media said she may or may not have been promiscious doesnt mean she should have had something bad happen to her.

                  Funny, it seems that whenever a few other people comment on the conditions in North Korea, or mention that the Chinese keep sending NK refugees back to their deaths, nary a voice is raised--not even yours--about this travesty.

                  start a thread then Ill comment

                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                    Just to let you know I do care about other people in action and not simply "words"
                    Good for you. Most people don't.

                    I have done missions projects in Foreign Countries and yes I do read daily about the plight of people missing and maimed,raped and totured, no, you have'nt seen my name nor have I seen yours, but have read about,prayed about and when led got involved, not because they were rich or poor but because they needed both prayer and support
                    Again, I say to you, good for you. (And honestly, the fact that you don't want your name in the news is another mark in your favor.) Most people haven't.

                    That said, it's completely irrelevant to my argument; your case is anecdotal. (A good one, yes, but...)

                    Most people don't. Not only do most people not do that, most people don't care. Because most people don't care, the media doesn't care. Thus, the media doesn't report on it--and because the media doesn't report on it, most people don't care.

                    Oh one other thing, because the media said she may or may not have been promiscious doesnt mean she should have had something bad happen to her.
                    I've never said that bad things should have happened. I'm saying the media and the vast majority of the population buys into the white princess syndrome. I'm saying that I don't buy into it, and fail to see why I should give a damn, especially when compared to all the other things in the world.

                    I bear her no malice, I hold her no hate. I'm just irritated at the fact that so many others think I should actually give a damn and buy in on this socially-constructed, media-generated, White Princess Tragedy with a capital-****ing-T.

                    That's why I ask, why should I give a **** about Natalie Holloway?

                    start a thread then Ill comment
                    Threads were started in the past; it even comes up in numerous threads every now and then, as a passing reference.

