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What annoys you most about other drivers?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by MOBIUS

    I think Volvo drivers annoy me more...

    Oh, I forgot: SUV drivers - probably the most stupid section of society ever to get behind a steering wheel! At least they're trying to kill off their gene pool by accidentally reversing over and killing their own children...
    In Ontario, it is minivan drivers for stupidity, and Audi drivers for rude, aggressive & pushy.

    My peeve is fast lane traffic blocking, and Ontario is much worse than the US for that.

    My #2 peeve is tail-gaters. Who think that they will get there sooner by riding your bumper, when there are 147 cars in line right in front of you...
    Best MMORPG on the net:

    An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. -Gandhi


    • #62
      Originally posted by The Mad Viking

      In Ontario, it is minivan drivers for stupidity, and Audi drivers for rude, aggressive & pushy.
      We're not all rude, aggressive and pushy - now get out of my way, *****!
      "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
      "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
      "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


      • #63
        Originally posted by The Mad Viking
        My peeve is fast lane traffic blocking, and Ontario is much worse than the US for that.
        I just don't understand that one - never really saw it until I drove in North America...

        Tailgating is my number one - I'm no slouch behind the wheel myself, so when someone tailgates me I wonder wtf they need to be travelling so fast - especially when once they pass you they slow down about a half mile up the road and you end up passing them again like PH says...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Provost Harrison
          The fact they are on the road
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • #65
            Living in China, I would have to say EVERYTHING.
            Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2


            • #66
              Originally posted by Provost Harrison
              The fact they are on the road
              This really is the bottom line. When I'm alone on the road all is peaches and light. The more traffic, the more Tamerlane like I become.
              He's got the Midas touch.
              But he touched it too much!
              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


              • #67
                Which brand of automobile has the worst driving owners? Here in Boulder it's Audi drivers for some reason. Perhaps because we are a university town and a lot of rich students have Audis.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #68
                  I've remembered what really annoys me the most in other drivers and it's not a poll choice.

                  The cretin who drives really slowly along the stretches of road that have bends and you can't see far enough ahead to overtake then races off as soon as there is a straight bit so as to make it as difficult as possible to get past.
                  Never give an AI an even break.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                    They should all be tossed off cliffs
                    Tossed off cliffs? Now there's a revolting thought...

                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Sikander
                      Which brand of automobile has the worst driving owners? Here in Boulder it's Audi drivers for some reason. Perhaps because we are a university town and a lot of rich students have Audis.
                      Seriously, and it's not to defend my fellow Audi owners, I think the worst around here tend to be Honda/Acura owners, specifically those who have modified the hell out of their little ****boxes. I honestly can't remember seeing a really bad Audi driver in my neck of the woods. Although, again, nothing can hold a candle to cabbies in Toronto.
                      "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                      "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                      "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


                      • #71
                        I hate the guys that ride on the shoulder to keep moving during a backup, and then get indignant/angry when people try to keep him from getting into back into the lane. The nerve of these people that have patiently waited their turn.
                        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Kontiki

                          Seriously, and it's not to defend my fellow Audi owners, I think the worst around here tend to be Honda/Acura owners, specifically those who have modified the hell out of their little ****boxes. I honestly can't remember seeing a really bad Audi driver in my neck of the woods. Although, again, nothing can hold a candle to cabbies in Toronto.
                          You're biased, you don't get to vote on Audis.

                          Interesting that Sikander sees the same thing in Denver that I see in Toronto.

                          And cabbies in Montreal are worse than cabbies in Toronto.

                          Most drivers in Europe are simply more skilled than North American drivers. Many of the roads are far narrower, with no shoulders, and tight turns. (My experience in Europe is limited - but my observations are based on England, France, Denmark and Italy.

                          There is a different car culture, too. Cars are transportation, not jewelry. Scratch and dent is not a life-threatening event.
                          Best MMORPG on the net:

                          An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. -Gandhi


                          • #73
                            Most ghost drivers either are very very drunk or looking to suicide. Similar principle as parking on railroad tracks i guess.

                            As for my main pet peeve, at the moment it's people that do not use indicators. Nothing worse as a pedestrian thinking you can cross and then some knobjockey who's too cool, or some old lady who is too arthritic to put on their blasted indicators nearly runs you over.


                            • #74
                              From Epinions

                              Review Topic: OverviewHere in Cincinnati, we do things differently. This, of course, extends to how we drive. If you come to Cincinnati, you must drive like a Cincinnatian, lest you risk ridicule and bodily injury. Here is a simple primer in case you ever care to come to our fine city.

                              The yellow light does not mean stop. The beginning of the red light doesn't either. Never, ever stop for a yellow light in Cincinnati. That is a real sign of an outsider. If the light is beginning to turn yellow, you must speed up, even if it will be red by the time you get there.

                              You may only go when the green light has properly matured. Only a true Cincinnatian can tell when that is. If people always speed up and run yellow and red lights, those going the other way must have a way to tell when to go. Going right when the light turns green will most likely get you slammed into. There is a trick to this. You must wait until the green light matures to a proper shade of green before going. Unfortunately, only people who have lived in Cincinnati for a very long time can differentiate these shades of green, so you're best off just waiting until there are no more cars running the red light.

                              You must swerve into the other lane at least twice per square mile. Even on straight roads (not that there are any straight roads in Cincinnati), you must swerve into the next lane. Of course, when going around a curve in a road, you must swerve all the way into the other lane or across the yellow lines if possible. Swerving into the curb or driving over the curb when turning a corner also count. For those of use who don't know how big a square mile is, each square mile in the greater Cincinnati area is denoted by a United Dairy Farmers convenience store.

                              When the sun is within your view, you must slam on the brakes. Don't worry about the person behind you, if they had any brains they will do the same. Everyone believes that the sun has been following the same path across the sky for millennia. This is not so in Cincinnati. Here, the sun hides behind hills and jumps out and blinds you when you least expect it. It is especially devious about doing this during rush hour.

                              In order to spare yourself any bodily injury, you must slam on your breaks as soon as the sun enters your view. Sure, the person behind you will be blinded by the sun and won't be able to see that you stopped, but this is Cincinnati. If they know what's good for them, they will slam on their brakes, too.

                              Slow down to a stop when turning. Whenever you turn, left or right, you must always slow down nearly to a complete stop before turning. The less lanes the road has, the more you should slow down. For example, on 2 lane roads you should start braking no less than a half a block before the turn. For flair, you can turn on your turn signal as far in advance, or leave it on the whole time you drive.

                              Slow down when going around curves. Cincinnati is a hilly and curvy place to drive. Our curves are special, however, they change their angle as you drive around them. In order to deal with this, you need to slow down drastically while going around curves, no matter how slight or how often you drive them. Curves are also a good time to fill your swerve-into-the-other-lane quota.

                              Always drive in the left lane, allowing people going above the speed limit to whip around you. The wild people who go the speed limit or above like challenges. They like having obstacles to go around, and will be happy to find you going 45 in the fast lane on the highway or going 25-24-23-22 miles per hour as your car strains to get up a hill. They especially appreciate it when you swerve as you go around curves while they are trying to pass you. It helps them feel that they live life on the edge.

                              Any car that cost over $25 K is impermeable to ice and snow. All others must not go over 20 miles per hour in the event of any precipitation. You get what you pay for, and if you paid a lot for your car then you get the magical ability to never slip or slide on ice. This means that when driving through an ice storm, you may whip around all the poor sots that have less valuable cars than you do.

                              If your car cost less then $25,000, it will immediately implode if you go over 30 miles per hour in rain or over 20 miles per hour in ice or snow. You have been forewarned.

                              When there is an officer looking for speeders on the highway, the speed limit is not 55, but 10 mph less than you are already going. The Cincinnati police are tricky. Though the signs say that the speed limit is 55 mph, this is not so. Cincinnati has a sliding scale for a highway speed limit, and when you see a police officer on the side of the road, the limit is invariably 10 mph less than you are going at the moment you see them. Don't delay. You must slam on your brakes immediately no matter what the traffic is like. Don't worry, everyone else will, too.

                              If there is a car pulled over on the highway for any reason, you must slow down and look. Accidents happen, and there is no better way to show the people involved that we care than to slow down as much as possible when we pass them on the highway. Even if the accident is on the other side and you can see anything, you should always slow down, even in rush hour.

                              Watch for theme days! While driving to work to day, I noticed that today is a theme day. Today's theme was "Load up Heavy Machinery on Trucks and Drive Around During Rush Hour." I got to see all sorts of bulldozers and front loaders riding around on flatbeds. Other common themes are "Drive around Gravel Filled Dump Trucks with Loose Tarps" day and "Everyone Drive Slow for No Particular Reason" day.

                              Okay, yes, I wrote the above with tongue firmly in cheek. These things really do happen, but while I was writing this, I thought of some serious things that I should add if you really do plan on coming to Cincinnati.

                              Potholes and narrow lanes. Cincinnati has just been declared the worst place to drive in Ohio, and I believe it. Our major highways have 3 lanes. There are potholes and tight turns everywhere, on top of bad drivers. Be careful.

                              Police can only pull you over in a fully marked cruiser. And they can not ticket you unless they are in full uniform including hat. This is an Ohio state law, and good to know.

                              What passing lane? Ohio has no passing lane. The left lane is the fast lane.

                              Parking is allowed on almost all public thoroughfares. Almost all major roads allow parking at all times except for rush hour.

                              Merging Merging on the highway is a very serious proposition. I've actually seen traffic jams started because of people who don't know how to merge or can't get up to speed while getting on the highway. This is something to be aware of. If you're not from around here, I'd reccomend sticking to the center lane.

                              Driving in Cincinnati can take some getting used to. Especially for people who are from other cities, it can get to you. I've known several people from out of town who refuse to drive in this city. Then again, if you think it's bad, you should see our public transportation system.
                              I just hate people who get in my way.


                              • #75
                                I hate people who demand that others pay for their inattentiveness. Especially asswipes that do the following:

                                In the approaching 1,000 feet there are three signs and two arrows indicating right turn only, and people still do not get the fact that they must turn right until they get to the intersection. Then, instead of proceeding along their already chosen path and correcting later, they decide to stop and wait... and wait... and wait... until they can break out into their proper lane. Meanwhile, causing all of us to miss the ****ing light.

                                Then there's "Clueless Homer", a common archetype up here in west Appalachia. Going for a drive in the big city, headed towards to the newfangled "Super" Wal Mart you've heard about on TV, the concept of multi-lane roads... well, baffles you. So you hug the right lane, thinking that a basic commercial avenue is to be treated like the highway (i.e., staying in the right lane going about 15 mph slower than the slowest car), you become confused when that Wal Mart is to the left. Gamely, you set your jaw and.... woooosh! Cut across five lanes of traffic with your 195-pound missus whooping and hollering all the way. "Good job, Cody!"

