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Fire of Hate - André Glucksmann

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  • #16
    DoY: perfect

    well, except that "terreur" would translate as "terror" rather than "terrorism" - the author obviously hints at terrorism (he even says the word later), but here it's just a hint
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #17
      I thought that terrorism went better for the English version, but I bow to the master.

      [edit] "Acts of terror" would have been better.


      • #18
        Haine de soi, haine des autres, haine du monde naviguent de conserve. En terrorisant l'entourage à coups de cocktails Molotov, en transformant les conduites de gaz en torchères, en oeuvrant à la destruction générale ("Ce soir, ce sera Bagdad" à Clichy-sous-Bois), on s'affirme. "Je brûle, donc je suis." Tout mouvement de contestation violente est en proie à ces tentations terroristes. Mais celles-ci triomphent quand la haine prend les commandes, quand les incendiaires définissent leur "force" par leur capacité de nuire, et elle seule. Dans les flammes qui dévorent le lieu de leur naissance, ils mirent leur puissance et fêtent l'assomption de leur virilité.

        Hate of self, hate of others, hate of the world, aims to keep things as they are (conservent?). Terrorizing the neighborhood with Molotov cocktails, changing gas pipes into torches, beginning general destruction ("tonight, its Baghdad" in Clichy sous Bois) one affirms ones self. "I burn, therefore I am" All movements of violent struggle are close to these terrorist affirmations. But these triumph when hate takes command, when the rioters define their "force" by their capacity to (destroy?), and by it alone. In the flames which devour their birthplace, they (assert?) their power and celebrate the assumption of their manhood.

        Actually this doesnt sound half bad - theres a very real point here, and its certainly a philosophical one. (Of course Im reading Rosenzweig, and am quite open now to Existentialist discourse) How much it matches the empirical facts on the ground I cant say.

        And i esp liked "Je brule, donc je suic"
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • #19
          Yep! This is the main point that made me post this article here, the rest of the text was correct, but not too put this here.

          If i pointed the concept of nihilism, it's because, nihilism it's the main concept of many Glucksmann books(Dostoeivski at Manhanttan). This is why, i put more accent on this concept than the other, since i was reading this text, having in mind my other text of A. Glucksmann.

          Thanks guy to translate the text... My english course are only after christmas.

          Originally posted by Spiffor
          I've read that tripe (I had 10 mins to waste before updating Ogame). It's a political piece and not a philosophical one. It basically gives the legitimacy of a famous intellectual to Sarkozy's ideas.

          There is nothing deep in this article. There is one or two sentences about each idea, tops. It is an unorganized rant about French society and French policies.

          There is one idea that has merit (although I imagine it's not cronos_qc's aim in this thread, as he wants to speak about nihilism), which is that the riots don't indicate a failure of integration, but a success of integration. Like the other ideas, it is not developed any significantly, but at least Glucksmann raises a valid question. In that regard, it's quite different with the rest of the article, where he merely parrots a vulgar ideology.


          • #20
            I think you have one error, the text have a typo error:
            He wanted to say:
            Haine de soi, haine des autres, haine du monde naviguent de concert.

            So it better be:
            Hate of self, hate of others, hate of the world are walking side by side.(or something like this)

            Originally posted by lord of the mark
            Haine de soi, haine des autres, haine du monde naviguent de conserve. En terrorisant l'entourage à coups de cocktails Molotov, en transformant les conduites de gaz en torchères, en oeuvrant à la destruction générale ("Ce soir, ce sera Bagdad" à Clichy-sous-Bois), on s'affirme. "Je brûle, donc je suis." Tout mouvement de contestation violente est en proie à ces tentations terroristes. Mais celles-ci triomphent quand la haine prend les commandes, quand les incendiaires définissent leur "force" par leur capacité de nuire, et elle seule. Dans les flammes qui dévorent le lieu de leur naissance, ils mirent leur puissance et fêtent l'assomption de leur virilité.

            Hate of self, hate of others, hate of the world, aims to keep things as they are (conservent?). Terrorizing the neighborhood with Molotov cocktails, changing gas pipes into torches, beginning general destruction ("tonight, its Baghdad" in Clichy sous Bois) one affirms ones self. "I burn, therefore I am" All movements of violent struggle are close to these terrorist affirmations. But these triumph when hate takes command, when the rioters define their "force" by their capacity to (destroy?), and by it alone. In the flames which devour their birthplace, they (assert?) their power and celebrate the assumption of their manhood.

            Actually this doesnt sound half bad - theres a very real point here, and its certainly a philosophical one. (Of course Im reading Rosenzweig, and am quite open now to Existentialist discourse) How much it matches the empirical facts on the ground I cant say.

            And i esp liked "Je brule, donc je suic"


            • #21
              Double post sorry


              • #22
                Triple post sorry....(stop was not stopping the action)


                • #23
                  Hatred of the world leading to jam!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                    I'm coming back. As long as you dirty frenchies don't sell my country out from under me, that is.
                    Else you'll move to Macedonia FYROM?


                    • #25
                      Thanks to all the Frenchies for translation.
                      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

