That's what the news media claims, but
After all that has gone on, this number seems quite high,
It's hard to tell what the real numbers are with all the electoral tampering, I think the #s for 2000 & 2002 are only off by a few points.
2000 - lost by 500,000 votes plus - almost 50/50
2002 - Almost 50/50 some more tampering
2004 - 1 1/2 years into insergency, my best guess after tampering Bush got 47% of "real" vote. Bush buoyed by gay marriage issue and hope Iraqi "elections" would solve things.
2005 - Another year of insurgency.
Iraqi elections fail to stop terrorism.
Cindy Sheehan makes protesting as American as motherhood.
--- budget cuts prevent upgrading leevees. Bush destroys city - not an Al Queda "mushroom cloud"
--- cronyism becomes obvious even to the brain dead.
--- need for the national guard in America, devistastation shows neglect of domestic plocies.
Entire storm season far outstrps previous record, even Fox News acknologes Global Warming.
If the country is, normally 50/50, 36% represents only loss of a quarter of all Republicans..... is corporate news push polling?
After all that has gone on, this number seems quite high,
It's hard to tell what the real numbers are with all the electoral tampering, I think the #s for 2000 & 2002 are only off by a few points.
2000 - lost by 500,000 votes plus - almost 50/50
2002 - Almost 50/50 some more tampering
2004 - 1 1/2 years into insergency, my best guess after tampering Bush got 47% of "real" vote. Bush buoyed by gay marriage issue and hope Iraqi "elections" would solve things.
2005 - Another year of insurgency.
Iraqi elections fail to stop terrorism.
Cindy Sheehan makes protesting as American as motherhood.
--- budget cuts prevent upgrading leevees. Bush destroys city - not an Al Queda "mushroom cloud"
--- cronyism becomes obvious even to the brain dead.
--- need for the national guard in America, devistastation shows neglect of domestic plocies.
Entire storm season far outstrps previous record, even Fox News acknologes Global Warming.
If the country is, normally 50/50, 36% represents only loss of a quarter of all Republicans..... is corporate news push polling?