A couple of weeks ago, I stumbeled upon this.
If you've got the latest version of Winamp 5, you should already have the free version of the Predixis MagicMusic Mixer plugin installed. This plugin indexes all your music files and creates automated playlists (in the free version of up to 20 songs) based on an initial song that you select.
I didn't know how I activated that, but I think you have to open Winamp's media library and go to "Predixis MusicMagic". There should be a button "Start processing" or so. If you click it, it will start indexing your library. For my ~800 songs that already took quite a while. You can change the speed of the indexing in winamp's preferences.
Afterwards all you do is select a song in the media library, click on "MagicMusic Mix" and it will give you a selection of 20 songs. If you hit play, they'll become your current playlist.
In the screenshot you can see a sample playlist when I selected the Boxer from the chemical brothers. I have set variety to 4 (out of 10).
If you've got the latest version of Winamp 5, you should already have the free version of the Predixis MagicMusic Mixer plugin installed. This plugin indexes all your music files and creates automated playlists (in the free version of up to 20 songs) based on an initial song that you select.
I didn't know how I activated that, but I think you have to open Winamp's media library and go to "Predixis MusicMagic". There should be a button "Start processing" or so. If you click it, it will start indexing your library. For my ~800 songs that already took quite a while. You can change the speed of the indexing in winamp's preferences.
Afterwards all you do is select a song in the media library, click on "MagicMusic Mix" and it will give you a selection of 20 songs. If you hit play, they'll become your current playlist.
In the screenshot you can see a sample playlist when I selected the Boxer from the chemical brothers. I have set variety to 4 (out of 10).