and for the record, Survey USA is a Republican partisan polling organization that generally leans to the right
Anyway, the Abortion question is notorious for getting different results depending on how you ask the question. Typically more detailed question find a minority on each extreme, some supporting legal abortion in all cases, some supporting complete illegalization. In between, you will find support for legal abortion go up or down depending on the trimester or depending on other mitigating factors, such as rape or incest.
But the key thing about the issue is how the intensity of feeling about this issue differs. Typically, opponents of abortion are much more strident in their opposition to abortion then supporters of legal abortion. There are alot of voters who would be inclined towards the Democrats or would not be inclined to vote at all but are motivated by this issue alone. It's also the major galvanizing issue among the base in terms of rallying people to get out and volunteer or donate money. Take this issue away, or even moreso if the Republican party were to betray it's base on this major issue, and they would be losing a whole lot of support and money.
Furthermore, as the most extreme voters are typically the ones who show up for primaries, any GOP politican from a more socially conservative State who abandoned the base on this issue would be putting themselves at risk. Warner might not be vulnerable now, but the best way for him to become vulnerable would be to not back pro-life justices the President nominates, as that would likely lead to a primary against him.
There are certainly alot of people who are passionate about the abortion issue on the pro-choice side, but most of those people would be voting Democrat whether or not that is an issue. There are alot of mildly pro-choice people who don't feel that strongly on the issue and are willing to vote for pro-life candidates on other issues.