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Does anyone know anything about a repressed libido?

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  • The thing is though I think most guys are really shallow and lusty. Get a group of guys together talking about sex and you'll see what I mean. I think there is a problem with the male sex drive. The majority of molesters are male. I think all rapists are male (obviously with a few one in a million exceptions). Way more males masturbate than females, and this is statistically proven. More males look at porn, too. Males also tend to be more into the physical aspects of the relationship. Males also tend to view sex as a means to get physical pleasure rather than an act expressing affection.

    Clearly there is something wrong with masturbation, porn, and enjoying very... pleasant physical sensations. Right?

    Wait a second, that's idiotic. Molestation is bad, sex isn't. Theft is bad, wanting stuff isn't.


    • More males masturbate because female masturbation is unfairly frowned upon dude - our culture thinks of it as less appropriate. In reality? They are as much into sex as we are.
      Lime roots and treachery!
      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


      • If you want a good answer?
        More you think libido as a problem, more it will be a problem.
        But do I have an advice... me.... pffffff. I can live without sex for a maximum of two weeks.... but after after two weeks, I think I'm getting a little weirdo... and strange.

        I think the best idea e of what is libido:
        It's a great and strong beast. Yeah a really strong beast. You can't NEVER defeat him. One day or the other he will find a way to express. But you can domesticate him, you can learn how to ride him. This is symbolic and dont give clue to any how to live your live. But nobody can tell you how to live with your beast....
        Religion, art, science, philosophy, can give you clue, but nobody can tell you how to live your life.
        I dont know if it's true, but i read someday that Da Vinci was painting women, all the fenale model was nude, but painting women, was a way, for him to "sublimate" his libido. He was able to find find the divine elements in his sexual desire... And that was his source of inspiration.

        Good luck!!!

        Originally posted by johncmcleod
        Well I still have my problem.

        At the moment, my libido does not get to express itself. I don't have any relations with girls, and I don't masturbate. I am afraid this might be unhealthy and is why I am full of nervousness and anxiety all of the time. But I think it would be bad for me to start masturbating. I don't like the idea of porn at all. I think it objectifies women, and I think if I viewed it it would cheapen my view of sex and make me more lusty, more into sex and less into other aspects of a relationship. It would also make me think of sex more as physical pleasure and less affectionate. And if I don't look at porn, I won't be able to help but think of a girl I know while masturbating. And that would be very bad.

        And on top of that if I did it, I would just be indulging in pleasure. I'm trying not to be like that.

        The thing is though I think most guys are really shallow and lusty. Get a group of guys together talking about sex and you'll see what I mean. I think there is a problem with the male sex drive. The majority of molesters are male. I think all rapists are male (obviously with a few one in a million exceptions). Way more males masturbate than females, and this is statistically proven. More males look at porn, too. Males also tend to be more into the physical aspects of the relationship. Males also tend to view sex as a means to get physical pleasure rather than an act expressing affection.

        I don't want to be like that.

        And LoTM, I am not religious anymore, but I familiar with the church's teachings on sex.




          • John,

            You seem to always concentrate on the negative side. It does point to depression.
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • what I find difficult to accept is there's not a single women in the entire world that will go out with me. Yet I should accept it. Apparantly it's true. I can't even get a single interested glance from a woman when I'm out in public. They all treat me like the scum of the earth.

              I still haven't figured out why I haven't given up hope yet. Would it be better if I gave up hope? Even the fat ugly ones act like I'm a creep. So it's not like I'm setting my standards too high. I'd go out with any woman who's actually a woman.

              Yet... I cannot accept this fact. I may not have the traditional values women look for in men. But I think I'm a pretty decent guy. I find it impossible there cannot be one single woman interested in me. Frustrating. But as I said before, I'm not really looking, because I don't think I'm emotionally mature enough for a relationship. But one cannot mature unless they actually are in a relationship. It's a learning process. But how can I learn when I can't get a girlfriend?

              Women want a man who is experienced, but how can I get experienced when women don't want inexperienced men?


              • That's why I like high school girls; I keep getting older and they all stay the same age, man."

                Women also don't like insecure me, and you sound that way Diss.


                • how do you be secure?


                  • Originally posted by Sphinx871
                    JUST FLOG TEH DOLPHIN ALREADY!!!11one

                    You are the most awesome DL I have ever encountered


                    • Wait a second, that's idiotic. Molestation is bad, sex isn't. Theft is bad, wanting stuff isn't.
                      Wanting stuff is bad. Happiness comes through eliminating desires and detaching oneself from pleasure. Not to mention the other problems if I did masturbate that I've already discussed.
                      "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


                      • Take a look at this:

                        It is on the effects of porn.
                        "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


                        • Originally posted by johncmcleod

                          Not to mention the other problems if I did masturbate that I've already discussed.
                          I can't be bothered to read back but IF you actually feel sexual urges, I can't imagine what the problem could be. Don't overthink!! Rub yourself, feel pleasure clean yourself up . . . repeat as needed.

                          If you don't feel desire, don't masturbate!!

                          Originally posted by johncmcleod

                          Wanting stuff is bad. Happiness comes through eliminating desires and detaching oneself from pleasure.
                          With that definition of happiness no wonder you lack contentment. To me, happiness is doing things that bring overall pleasure
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • how do you be secure?
                            be confident and comfortable


                            • Originally posted by Arrian
                              I think Agathon (who I rarely agree with) is pretty much on target.

                              Don't get me wrong, Arrian, the rest of your post was good, but this is worth isolating, since it, in its entirety, was my reaction to Aggie's posts.
                              Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                              • Originally posted by johncmcleod
                                Wanting stuff is bad. Happiness comes through eliminating desires and detaching oneself from pleasure. Not to mention the other problems if I did masturbate that I've already discussed.
                                How can you talk about "eliminating desires" and such when you're smoking something that powerful?

                                Happiness comes from fulfilling desires, not eliminating them.

