Whaleboy answered BK for me quite well, and since I'm not at home I don't have time for a long missive myself.
However, I will point out that this is going to be pointless. BK has--repeatedly--engaged in presenting false impressions of what Darwin said (his accusation of me engaging in a ad hominem against him is hilarious, considering I had to defend Darwin against BK's own false smears on his beliefs), shown he doesn't understand some basic scientific concepts (see his incredibly daft entropy comment in this thread alone), and has always slunk away from these threads when his silly assertions are swatted away, only to pop up again in future ones making the same, already-refuted arguments.
A prime example is his asking for the predictions that evolutionary theory makes. I gave him several in a previous thread, and we had a long exchange (which he slunk away from) in which he tried to weasel out of those predictions, full of more silly assertions like the entropy one.
So, Whaleboy, it's pretty much a fruitless effort. Fallen on deaf ears (no pun intended).
However, I will point out that this is going to be pointless. BK has--repeatedly--engaged in presenting false impressions of what Darwin said (his accusation of me engaging in a ad hominem against him is hilarious, considering I had to defend Darwin against BK's own false smears on his beliefs), shown he doesn't understand some basic scientific concepts (see his incredibly daft entropy comment in this thread alone), and has always slunk away from these threads when his silly assertions are swatted away, only to pop up again in future ones making the same, already-refuted arguments.
A prime example is his asking for the predictions that evolutionary theory makes. I gave him several in a previous thread, and we had a long exchange (which he slunk away from) in which he tried to weasel out of those predictions, full of more silly assertions like the entropy one.
So, Whaleboy, it's pretty much a fruitless effort. Fallen on deaf ears (no pun intended).