About time we had a fair an objective method determining the best country ever!
Total Users:
1. United States........18701
2. Canada...................3143
3. Germany.................2800
All Important Post Count:
1. United States......439803
2. E.U......................125591
3. Canada...............108120
Average Post Count:
1. Coral Sea Islands.......................6174
2. St Vincent and the Grenadines...3523
3. French Guiana Independentist...3102
Total Users:
1. United States........18701
2. Canada...................3143
3. Germany.................2800
All Important Post Count:
1. United States......439803
2. E.U......................125591
3. Canada...............108120
Average Post Count:
1. Coral Sea Islands.......................6174
2. St Vincent and the Grenadines...3523
3. French Guiana Independentist...3102