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Does size matter?

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  • #31
    usually it varies from person to person, big can look good on one person while it looks bad on another and vice versa with small

    You just need to get to a point where your looks please you. Though granted I've personally found this very difficult, but once you achieve it then you won't worry about other people's opinions so much.


    • #32

      I guess my saving grace is the fact that I have a pretty/cute face. (Oh, and rather luscious lips, if I do say so myself.) Unfortunately, I'm short ('5 "0) and am .... well... too chubby for my small stature, really.... With the result of having big breasts, unfortunately, that comes coupled with a gig ass.

      Btw, for me, the face comes first, in terms of looks, so there you go. I am sure it's true for many others, as well.

      Oh, you have to lose some weight, you'd probably look soooooo hott - I've known plenty of girls who were overweight, and when they lost their weight doing sports and stuff like that - wowsa!

      You sound like a fun person, so I think you shouldn't be insecure about yourself, generally.

      Ehrm, have you ever heard about concepts like flying below the radar ?

      I still think that you should get involved in the protection of the environment.



      • #33
        Originally posted by korn469
        I don't think the OP defines curvier women the same way you do...
        Originally posted by Nanimo
        Hmmm... yeah, I would class Tyra Banks etc. in the glamourous fantasy category, to be honest.
        Quite. Most of you tend to say you like curvier women, and then you come up with just as skinny women with a bigger chest or slightly bigger ass.

        Then again, I'd probably name women like that too, since there aren't too many "real" curvier celebrity women out there to begin with. You'd probably have to go back to the 50's to find curvy women who were actually considered "hot". Ricky Lake wouldn't quite qualify I reckon, and Sophie Dahl has decided she prefers to be skinny too.

        Ah, I'm sorry.... I guess I'm just in an insecure phase. (...)

        Panda kisses

        I guess my saving grace is the fact that I have a pretty/cute face. (Oh, and rather luscious lips, if I do say so myself.) Unfortunately, I'm short ('5 "0) and am .... well... too chubby for my small stature, really.... With the result of having big breasts, unfortunately, that comes coupled with a gig ass.
        <-- * points to the evidence * (um, well, a bit further up)

        You're beautiful Nanimo, and that includes your breasts and ass, so it's not just your face (or lips) either. I like you just the way you are. You know that, but I can't say it often enough.

        That's another thing I was going to mention... naturally speaking, if you want big breasts, then you will get big everything else. If you want a lady to be slim, then her breasts will be small.

        Which would be preferable? Big or small?
        Well, I don't think I really prefer either big or small. There's just a range of sizes of women I like. Not too big and not too small. And rather a bit on the bigger side than on the smaller side. And I'm not just talking about boobs here. As long as it's all in proportion.
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #34
          Do you really think that
          Older models of female beauty
          Normally were

          Because I am not sure you're right...
          Evidence might help.

          Simply put, I don't really think that
          Overweightness, in the physilogical sense,

          Fits the human body and form
          Under most conditions.
          Call it a biological mechanism,
          Karma, or something else,
          Imprinted in ourselves but
          Nothing about being overweight is healthy, ( I know it myself)
          Good, or beneficial for the body.

          Every rule is made to be broken of course, and
          Many things that are hailed as beautiful are disturbing ( Heroin chic), but,
          Otherwise a healthy body is more attractive.


          • #35

            I'm being too emotional for you? Can't handle some good old-fashioned feelings? Should I put it in my sig for you?

            Originally posted by Az
            Do you really think that Older models of female beauty Normally were Thinner?
            um, I'm saying the opposite.

            Simply put, I don't really think that Overweightness, in the physilogical sense, Fits the human body and form Under most conditions.

            I agree. But I also think we're way too obsessed about weight nowadays. It's far unhealthier to be stick-thin.

            (...) Otherwise a healthy body is more attractive.

            Certainly. But healthy doesn't equal skinny (and I don't mean heroin-chic-skinny either).
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #36
              I'm being too emotional for you? Can't handle some good old-fashioned feelings? Should I put it in my sig for you?

              I am human and I need to be loved. Just like everybody else does.

              I agree. But I also think we're way too obsessed about weight nowadays. It's far unhealthier to be stick-thin.

              there is nothing unhealthy about being thin ( unless we're in anorexic land ) OTOH, being overweight is somewhat unhealthy.

              Certainly. But healthy doesn't equal skinny

              it's doesn't equal. the latter is the subgroup of the former.

              Again, I am saying this as a person who is overweight. And I wouldn't hold it against any girl, if she wouldn't want to date me because of it.


              • #37
                in response to Ludd's statement's on mine...

                like the other poster said, just because a woman with a good figure is not to be ignore does not mean that women without a good figure are. Its just an emphasis on one, not an exclusive right of that brand.

                Oh, Nanimo, i'm positive you must be beautiful in your own way. I dont know exactly what you look like, but you describe yourself to be something that isn't bad at all, and I know a few guys who would think you are just their type.
                Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                • #38
                  I like a variety of women, though most of the women I've been attracted to were athletic types. But I've been completely smitten with waifs, super curvey types and holy grails (tall thin women with large breasts). The most important body part by far for me is the face though. A pretty face can make me consider a body type I've never been interested in before, while an ugly face is hard to overcome.
                  He's got the Midas touch.
                  But he touched it too much!
                  Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                  • #39
                    My current boyfriend, as much as I love him, I find his taste in women rather strange.

                    All his ex's have been over weight. Either a bit chubby or pretty grotesquely fat imho. I'm far from thin - size 10 in British sizing these days and a boringly normal bmi - yet next to all them I look anorexic.

                    He admits he prefers fatter women, which is confusing and a bit of a kick in the teeth to be honest, as I am hardly stick thin.
                    Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


                    • #40
                      The most important body part by far for me is the face though. A pretty face can make me consider a body type I've never been interested in before, while an ugly face is hard to overcome.



                      • #41
                        Women too fat or too thin are not considered healthy.

                        Of women with normal body mass, bigger frontal lobes is a sign of good health and reproductive prowess. Men, after millions of years of evolution, are hardwired to give them preferences.

                        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                        • #42
                          big asses are good (or can be) and big breasts

                          although small breasts can be good as well

                          women look fine without a really strong stomach (having it stick out too far is bad though)

                          in fact, I prefer the smooth stomach to the really strong stomach, even if the smooth stomach extends a little..

                          I care much more about complexition, liveliness, smooth skin, and well made features then I do about slightly large ass, breasts or stomach..

                          Jon Miller
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #43
                            I've dated waifs and larger women alike. For me, its more about a cute face and a sexy attitude.
                            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                            • #44
                              I prefer softer-looking woman to lean, athletic types (not that I don't like the lean, athletic types, mind you.) Women who carry around a few extra pounds complain that they look terrible, whereas I think it makes 'em look good.

                              And, faces are far more interesting and appealing than bodies. There's a very broad range of attractive faces. Good-looking women are like sunsets - all glorious, all have similarities, yet all are unique.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ajbera
                                There's a very broad range of attractive faces.

                                Originally posted by ajbera
                                Good-looking women are like sunsets - all glorious, all have similarities, yet all are unique.
                                Now you are just sucking up-- and given the gender distribution of the 'poly community . . . to little effect
                                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

