I'm not saying it'll happen in the near future. I'm saying that, if we don't see beyond our national interests, we won't root out the potential causes for an intra-European war, whether it occurs in 2050 or in 3600. You may think that making projects "forever" is the most absurd pipe dream you've ever heard. However, talking about millenia, what was the last time Athens and Sparta went to war with each other? Do you think they'll go at war against each other at any time in the future?
What is the real foundation of Canada? I would find the "real foundation" of Europe (no more war!) more compelling than Canada's IMO.
more generally you can't surgically separate the components of an identify and look at them in isolation, history, culture etc. all come together to form the identity that people feel attached to. these identities take time to form, but the foundations must be present for them to do so, and with 'europe', these simply do not exist. nor can a 'greater' identity be created and imposed over national ones, there are examples in history of this being tried and failing miserbaly, the best and most recent being yugoslavia. here you had the leaders of that country trying to create a 'yugoslav' identity to supersede croats, serbs, bosnians etc. but people never forgot their identities, created and fostered over time by shared history, ethnicity, culture, language and religion, and this proved fatal to the new 'higher' identity. the point for the EU here is that a 'european' identity would lack any foundation, people wouldn't feel attachment or loyalty to the idea, it would be a wholly artificial construction. your idea of a 'demos' is frankly very weak, europeans do share some ideals, things like freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, but we have these already at a national level. further we share our values with most of the western world, but this is not a reason to suggest a union with america or new zealand.
it's undesirable as well as being impossible. look at countries who have more than one strong identity, look at belguim, look at canada, look at the lengths they have to go to keep their countries running smoothly. then consider how many different identities we have within the EU, would european children have to learn twenty odd languages at school? or shops have signs in every tongue? and that's the very thin end of the wedge. it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see a vast amount of practical difficulties with keeping the whole thing afloat, it simply wouldn't be worth it.
ozzy made a very good point earlier in thread. i daresay most people wouldn’t mind a united europe if it was run according to their ideals and beliefs, but not one run by that bloody idiot next door! saying that people support a ‘political’ europe is one thing, but the devil is in the detail.