Those who know me also know I think Bennett is scum, but this is ridiculous. He is being grilled because he pointed out a simple fact - which also happens to be an unpleasant truth, i.e., PC territory.
Bennett cited a conclusion from a book, "Freakonomics",
that Roe v Wade is a major cause for dropping crime rates, to suggest aborting black babies would also lower the crime rate, so what? Its still an immoral argument for abortion. He's right, albeit he is countering a strawman. No one suggested we abort babies to lower crime rates. But the pro-life crowd has perceived the data from Freakonomics as if the pro-choice crowd would justify abortion based on crime rates. He could have said aborting babies in really poor families would also lower crime rates and it would have been true, but more immune to PC.
Hypocritically Bennett has no problem punishing large groups of innocent people based on what others have done. He was "Drug Czar" (aint it wonderful how we use autocratic titles?) and saw to it millions suffered for the crimes of others. His beloved drug war is based on guilt by association...
Bennett cited a conclusion from a book, "Freakonomics",
that Roe v Wade is a major cause for dropping crime rates, to suggest aborting black babies would also lower the crime rate, so what? Its still an immoral argument for abortion. He's right, albeit he is countering a strawman. No one suggested we abort babies to lower crime rates. But the pro-life crowd has perceived the data from Freakonomics as if the pro-choice crowd would justify abortion based on crime rates. He could have said aborting babies in really poor families would also lower crime rates and it would have been true, but more immune to PC.
Hypocritically Bennett has no problem punishing large groups of innocent people based on what others have done. He was "Drug Czar" (aint it wonderful how we use autocratic titles?) and saw to it millions suffered for the crimes of others. His beloved drug war is based on guilt by association...