Originally posted by chegitz guevara
What Shumer's people did is a crime, and it should be investigated and possibly punished. However, it doesn't involve cheating people out of their government (or its funds), so it's not a crime against us. Thus it's not in the same league as what Delay is accused of doing or Watergate or even what Rostenkowski did.
What Shumer's people did is a crime, and it should be investigated and possibly punished. However, it doesn't involve cheating people out of their government (or its funds), so it's not a crime against us. Thus it's not in the same league as what Delay is accused of doing or Watergate or even what Rostenkowski did.
According to your definition since the Watergate break in didn't involve public monies it shouldn't be a crime against us, no?. Ahh haa but you'll likely argue they most certainly did b/c they involved CReeP and these 5 burglars were on the payroll funded by public monies. Now Sans the rest of the coverup that ensued wherein lies the differnce between those activities and those of the DSCC. And since no investigation has really ensued it is premature to say whether the DSCC affair approximates the ensuing Watergate scandal in its entirety and not simply the Watergate breakin.
For my money it certainly approximates the Watergate breakin save the scope is the thefts were around a US senatorial race vs. Presidential race.