Fact 1.Singoapore is recognized by every country on earth
Taiwan is not recognized by a single major power.
2. Indonesia asserts no territorial claim on Singapore. China DOES claim Taiwan.
3, Taiwan does not have a formal decfnce alliance with a single state. SIngapore is a member of the five power defense arrangment.
4. Singapore is a member of the UN. Taiwan is not.
4.Much of the US is sympathetic to taiwan, and its likely that the US would defend Taiwan, if it were attacked.
5. In the past, when Indonesia has invaded European colonies that were not sovereirgn, following the Goa precedent, generally approved by the thirld world majority at the UN,, and in conditions of the cold war, when the US saw Indonesia as a valuable ally, the US did nothing to oppose Indonesia.
6, There is no assurance that the US would come to the aid of Singapore. Indeed there is no assurance that that Australia or the UK would. That teh US and Australian supported the independence of East Timor recently is no assuarance to their future behavior.
7. Similarly there is no assurance thet the US or anyone else would come to the aid of Taiwan
8. That the US has discussed coming to the aid of Taiwan, while there is little discussion by anyone of coming to the aid of Singapore, is largely due to the fact that no country now assers a claim against Singapore.
9. Singapore has one man vote as does Taiwan. One man one vote, in the absence of free speech and press, is no guarantee of democracy. In singapore there have been restriction on freedom of speecha nd the press that may help tp account for the longevity of governance by a single part. No such restrrictions exist in Taiwan, which in fact has seen alternation of parties.
10. Indonesia is now a democracy, also with one man one vote. According to Freedom House, Indonesia has a higher level of political rights than does Singapore.
Which of these do you dispute?
Taiwan is not recognized by a single major power.
2. Indonesia asserts no territorial claim on Singapore. China DOES claim Taiwan.
3, Taiwan does not have a formal decfnce alliance with a single state. SIngapore is a member of the five power defense arrangment.
4. Singapore is a member of the UN. Taiwan is not.
4.Much of the US is sympathetic to taiwan, and its likely that the US would defend Taiwan, if it were attacked.
5. In the past, when Indonesia has invaded European colonies that were not sovereirgn, following the Goa precedent, generally approved by the thirld world majority at the UN,, and in conditions of the cold war, when the US saw Indonesia as a valuable ally, the US did nothing to oppose Indonesia.
6, There is no assurance that the US would come to the aid of Singapore. Indeed there is no assurance that that Australia or the UK would. That teh US and Australian supported the independence of East Timor recently is no assuarance to their future behavior.
7. Similarly there is no assurance thet the US or anyone else would come to the aid of Taiwan
8. That the US has discussed coming to the aid of Taiwan, while there is little discussion by anyone of coming to the aid of Singapore, is largely due to the fact that no country now assers a claim against Singapore.
9. Singapore has one man vote as does Taiwan. One man one vote, in the absence of free speech and press, is no guarantee of democracy. In singapore there have been restriction on freedom of speecha nd the press that may help tp account for the longevity of governance by a single part. No such restrrictions exist in Taiwan, which in fact has seen alternation of parties.
10. Indonesia is now a democracy, also with one man one vote. According to Freedom House, Indonesia has a higher level of political rights than does Singapore.
Which of these do you dispute?