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Israel is Out of Gaza

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  • #46

    dedicated to pals

    Whose pals?


    • #47
      Let tyrants shake their iron rods,
      And slav'ry clank her galling chains.
      We fear not, we trust in God,
      New England's God forever reigns.

      Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton, too,
      With Prescott and Cornwallis joined,
      Together plot our overthrow,
      In one infernal league combined.

      When God inspired us for the fight,
      Their ranks were broke,
      their lines were forced,
      Their ships were shattered in our sight,
      Or swiftly driven from our coast.

      The foe comes on with haughty stride,
      Our troops advance with martial noise;
      Their vet'rans flee before our youth,
      And gen'rals yield to beardless boys.

      What grateful off'ring shall we bring,
      What shall we render to the Lord?
      Loud hallelujahs let us sing,
      And praise His name on ev'ry chord!
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #48
        As he stood there erect before the Gate
        and impregnable in his sorrow

        Far from the world where his spirit sought
        to bring Paradise to his measure
        And harder even than stone
        for no one had ever looked
        on him tenderly - at times his crooked teeth
        whitened strangely

        And as he passed by with his gaze a little
        beyond mankind and from them all
        extracted One who smiled on him
        The Real one
        Whom death could never seize

        He took care to pronounce the word
        sea clearly that all the dolphins
        within it might shine
        And the desolation so great it might
        contain all of God
        and every waterdrop ascending steadfastly toward
        the sun

        As a young man he had seen gold glittering
        and gleaming on the shoulders of the great
        And one night
        he remembers
        during a great storm the neck of the sea
        roared so it turned murky
        but he would not submit to it

        The world's an oppressive place to live through
        yet with a little pride it's worth it.

        Dear God what now
        Who had to battle with thousands
        and not only his loneliness
        He who knew with a single word
        how to slake the thirst of entire worlds

        From whom they had taken everything
        And his sandals with their criss-crossed
        straps and his pointed trident
        and the wall he mounted every afternoon like
        an unruly and pitching boat
        to hold the reigns against the weather

        And a handful of vervain
        which he had rubbed on a girl's cheek
        at midnight
        to kiss her
        (how the waters of the moon gurled
        on the stone steps three cliff-lengths
        above the sea...)

        Noon out of night
        And not one person by his side
        Only his faithful words that mingled
        all their colors to leave in his hand
        a lance of white light

        And opposite
        along the whole wall's length
        a host of heads poured in plaster
        as far as his eyes could see

        "Noon out of night - all life a radiance!"
        he shouted and rushed into the horde
        dragging behind him an endless golden line

        And at once he felt
        the final pallor
        overmastering him
        as it hastened from afar.

        as the sun's wheel turned more and more swiftly
        the courtyards plunged into winter and once
        again emerged red from the geranium

        And the small cool domes
        like blue medusae
        reached each time higher to the silverwork
        the wind so delicately worked as a painting
        for other times more distant

        Virgin maidens
        their breasts glowing a summer dawn
        brought him branches of fresh palm leaves
        and those of the myrtle uprooted
        from the depths of the sea

        Dripping iodine
        While under his feet he heard
        the prows of black ships
        sucked into the great whirlpool
        the ancient and smoked seacraft
        from which still erect with riveted gaze
        the Mothers of God stood rebuking

        Horses overturned on dumpheaps
        a rabble of buildings large and small
        debris and dust flaming in the air

        And there lying prone
        always with an unbroken word
        between his teeth
        the last of the Hellenes


        • #49
          By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
          Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
          Here once the embattled farmers stood
          And fired the shot heard round the world.

          The foe long since in silence slept;
          Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
          And Time the ruined bridge has swept
          Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

          On this green bank, by this soft stream,
          We set today a votive stone;
          That memory may their deed redeem,
          When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

          Spirit, that made those heroes dare
          To die, and leave their children free,
          Bid Time and Nature gently spare
          The shaft we raise to them and thee.
          "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

