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The Foreigners Are Coming !!!!!!

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  • #46


    • #47
      Originally posted by Az
      Oh but if you make the assimilation prerequisite to immigration into the country - problem solved.

      And Nobel earned, since you have to break quite a few laws of physics in the process


      • #48
        Paiktis, is there a mosque anywhere in Athens?


        • #49

          And Nobel earned, since you have to break quite a few laws of physics in the process

          What, 2nd law of Thermodynamics?

          Seriously, that's just . With the fence&wall complete, we'll have the border sealed as tight as we want it to be.

          Europe could do the same if they wanted to.


          • #50
            Az, I was talking about the fact that you can't "make the assimilation prerequisite to immigration into the country" because you can't assimilate people before you let them in. This would require that they are physically outside of the country, while spiritually being inside and assimilating or a similar remarkable feat which would earn you a Nobel if you could make it happen


            • #51
              Interesting, this site claims that Christian Albanians played a large role in liberating Greece from Ottomans...

              Autochthone Arvanites from Greece(Arvanit-es means Albanian-s in Greek),many of them from Suli region.
              When the modern Greek state was formed, the Albanian-speaking population and its language were called Albanian, even if those Christian Albanians were considered an integral part of the Greek nation and had played a decisive role in the War of Independence between 1821-1828 (Bartholdy, 1993; Bickford-Smith, 1993: 47; Embeirikos, 1994; Vakalopoulos, 1994:243-249). However, the policy of the new Greek state was to Hellenize all the non-Greek speaking Orthodox populations within its, then limited, territory as well as in the territories of Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace and Asia Minor still under Ottoman rule, which were though considered as part of Greek irredenta. As elsewhere in Europe, army and education were the most effective mechanisms of Hellenization, assisted by the judiciary system ready to denounce and punish all forms of behavior inconsistent with the state’s nationalist culture
              Kitromilidis, 1990:38; Kollias, 1994.
              We know that more than 60% of today’s Greek surnames can bi trace back to today’s Albanian surnames. We don’t know yet for origin of ancient Greek surnames!
              Attached Files


              • #52
                It says that first they fought the Ottomans, and then Greek Helenization program...

                Suliots in Fight against Hellen Colonization

                "Suliots in Fight against Hellen Colonization".Athens, National Gallery-Alexandros Soutzos Museum

                This is the first time I read about this, so I won't make any judgement about authencity of the claims.
                Attached Files


                • #53

                  You let them in under the precondition that they'll go through the assimilation course. If they pass the course, they stay, if they don't they don't.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Az

                    You let them in under the precondition that they'll go through the assimilation course. If they pass the course, they stay, if they don't they don't.
                    All courses can be passed and a distinct culture can still be kept.

                    What you are saying is basically that if someone passes a test of knowing some law, he is going to respect that law in the future. Doesn't follow.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by VetLegion

                      Yes, an impressive institution it is!!!

                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • #56
                        Its full glory is obscured by the trees.


                        • #57

                          All courses can be passed and a distinct culture can still be kept.

                          What you are saying is basically that if someone passes a test of knowing some law, he is going to respect that law in the future. Doesn't follow.

                          But it works. suck on that!


                          • #58
                            Besides, you don't measure a scientific institution by the size of its buildings. You measure it by the contributions it made to the sum of human knowledge. And you have to adjust that for wealth. It is quite possible that Albania has more scientific output per dollar of GDP than USA. I'm not saying that it has, but it's possible.


                            • #59
                              Its full glory is obscured by the trees.

                              But I don't doubt that they may have a serious university there


                              • #60
                                But it works. suck on that!

                                It does not!

                                By the way, I agree with you, assimilation or out. But unlike you I don't see harsh measures required for such policy enforcable in a modern liberal democracy.

