Originally posted by molly bloom
I use you as my model.
I use you as my model.
Notice what you put in quotation marks- clearly paraphrased from my post:
I should think you could follow your logic of the necessary linking of religious instruction with the inculcation of a moral code.
Indoctrination is teaching someone to accept doctrines uncritically; education is not.
"Well, I think You should go to a bathroom to make a pee, but if You think You can do it in the classroom - it's OK to me"
"in your exam, You've written the battle of Hastings took place in 1999 - well, OK, You should not accept anything uncritically"
"Joseph Conrad was a great writer - or he >>sucked<<, as You say"
Educational system choses - it has to chose - only some writers f.e. to teach about, only some theories. Until a certain level of education, You're not given your own opinion, You are simply informed about facts or "facts".
And even later, the way the school-books are written, their choice of educational material etc, it all forms our view of the world.
And indoctrination may be more subtle than blatant forcing doctrines over someone.
You can inform and educate children about moral codes of behaviour without their having to have religious instruction, or be brought up in a religious faith.
Really? You mean the bit where you say:
and he replies:
and he replies:
Originally posted by Az
That's not what he said, Molly - He said that no matter what you do, you have to indoctrinate a child with a moral code.
That's not what he said, Molly - He said that no matter what you do, you have to indoctrinate a child with a moral code.
And You DO know a difference between words "understand" and "agree", right?
There must be some kind of comprehension block in your mind when you read or mis-read, rather, my posts.
I neither said, nor do I think, anything of the sort.
I neither said, nor do I think, anything of the sort.
what's your opinion on people teaching/indoctrinating their children with religion?
I'd prefer it if a child could be left until they'd received some scientific instruction they could understand (though of course you'd still get the likes of Bush, Reagan and Blair), say until they were about 16 or 17, then let them choose what religion (if any) they'd like.
Still, it's clear you know how your own mind works from time to time:
Not with you, sweetie. With the chap who can't tell the difference between 'indoctrination' and 'education', and has opined in the past, that the Holy Inquisition has had a bad press.
It's understandable- he appears nostalgic for the rigid certainties of Cold War Warsaw Pact life, and has transferred his allegiance to the church- probably the similarity in styles and methods of indoctrination attracted him.
It's understandable- he appears nostalgic for the rigid certainties of Cold War Warsaw Pact life, and has transferred his allegiance to the church- probably the similarity in styles and methods of indoctrination attracted him.

But fair.