So I'm at work yesterday, and I'm listening to my co-workers, who had been listening to Rush or some other Conservative Talkshow Host on the radio earlier in the day.
They were goinig on about something they had heard...some pork barrel spending project that was being passed thru congress....blaming the damned liberals for all this senseless spending.
I couldn't help but pipe up and interrupt their, and our brief exchange went something like this:
Vel: "'scuse me....but is it not true that the republicans (bastion for conversativeness) currently hold a majority in say nothing of having the office of the President?"
Co-Workers, suspiciously: "Yeah."
Vel: "Well then....wouldn't it be a fair assessment that NOTHING gets through Congress without Neo-Con blessing? (brief sidestop to explain this term to my co-workers)"
Co-Workers (quickly moving from suspicion to anger): "'s not like that. It's quid pro quo....we have to give some concessions to the liberals, so they'll support us on other stuff, but we don't have to like it!"
Vel: "But...if you have a majority in Congress...why make any concessions at doesn't make sense...just USE your majority and stop it."
Co-Workers (looking confused): "But...but...the Liberals...."
And from there it quickly degenerated.
So I'm confused.
The Neo-Cons are triumphant in EVERY WAY.
They control the government, and can pass whatever they like.
And yet...there's still the spectre of "those Liberals" out there in the darkness, proposing wasteful spending or pie in the sky government programs or bigger get the idea.
I'm curious though, where they are, exactly. Cos they're not in power on the Hill. They're a minority that can easily be overrun by the majority in power. Their ideas shut down at will.
So if pork barrel spending is STILL continuing, does it not follow that it does so with Neo-Con approval and blessing.
That it is not, in fact, some dark Liberal plot?
Where are all these Libs? Cos they're sure not in power.
Just curious.
They were goinig on about something they had heard...some pork barrel spending project that was being passed thru congress....blaming the damned liberals for all this senseless spending.
I couldn't help but pipe up and interrupt their, and our brief exchange went something like this:
Vel: "'scuse me....but is it not true that the republicans (bastion for conversativeness) currently hold a majority in say nothing of having the office of the President?"
Co-Workers, suspiciously: "Yeah."
Vel: "Well then....wouldn't it be a fair assessment that NOTHING gets through Congress without Neo-Con blessing? (brief sidestop to explain this term to my co-workers)"
Co-Workers (quickly moving from suspicion to anger): "'s not like that. It's quid pro quo....we have to give some concessions to the liberals, so they'll support us on other stuff, but we don't have to like it!"
Vel: "But...if you have a majority in Congress...why make any concessions at doesn't make sense...just USE your majority and stop it."
Co-Workers (looking confused): "But...but...the Liberals...."
And from there it quickly degenerated.
So I'm confused.
The Neo-Cons are triumphant in EVERY WAY.
They control the government, and can pass whatever they like.
And yet...there's still the spectre of "those Liberals" out there in the darkness, proposing wasteful spending or pie in the sky government programs or bigger get the idea.
I'm curious though, where they are, exactly. Cos they're not in power on the Hill. They're a minority that can easily be overrun by the majority in power. Their ideas shut down at will.
So if pork barrel spending is STILL continuing, does it not follow that it does so with Neo-Con approval and blessing.
That it is not, in fact, some dark Liberal plot?
Where are all these Libs? Cos they're sure not in power.
Just curious.