Originally posted by Boris Godunov
Here's a run down of what our leaders were doing yesterday, Sept. 1:
-President Bush made the incomprehensible statement that nobody "expected the levees would break." Given that all the experts knew they could only withstand a Cat. 3 storm and were predicting for years that there would be levee failures if a stronger storm hit, I just wonder if by "nobody" he's just referring to the nobodies in his administration. Well, at least he had time to devote to the issue, instead of the previous two days, where he had shuttled around to staged events and photo ops over Social Security and such.
-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice played tennis in New York before attending a matinee performance of the musical Spamelot. She then spent several thousands of dollars shoe shopping on 5th Avenue. A fellow woman shopper who saw her shouted to her something to the effect of "you should be ashamed you're here while people are dying in our own country." Rice had her Secret Service agents remove the woman from the store.
-FEMA director Michael Brown (who, interestingly enough, was fired from his previous gig as a lawyer for the International Arabian Horse Association Legal Department) was spinning furiously about how wonderful and prepared FEMA was for this. He then admitted to Paula Zahn on CNN that it wasn't until that very day FEMA realized there were 15,000 people also stranded at the New Orleans Convention Center. That's despite it having been designated an official emergency shelter before the storm. Then he had the wonderful compassion to say this on CNN:
"Unfortunately, that's [the suffering] going to be attributable a lot to people who did not heed the advance warnings. I don't make judgments about why people chose not to leave but, you know, there was a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans."
Is this guy for real?
-Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieux, in a stunning display of political insensitivity, went on Anderson Cooper and, when asked about the suffering of those still trapped, proceeded to rattle off a long litany of thank-yous to--get this--other politicians. Not rescue workers, not police or national guard, but politicians like Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Sen. Frist, Sen. Reid, etc. Cooper totally lost it on her over this, and it was one of the best smack-downs I've seen.
-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert said that we shouldn't rebuild New Orleans because it's expensive, impractical, etc. Nice timing there, Dennis.
-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld eased the minds of the nation by assuring us that the ultra-tacky country music hoedown with Clint Black in, erm, remembrance of September 11, 2001 would go on as plan. A big sigh of relief was heard all around the country.
-Republican party chairman Ken Mehlman sent out an "urgent e-mail" to the GOP party demanding their help with the most crucial issue facing the nation today--repealing the estate tax.
-Vice President Dick Cheney remained on vacation in Jackson, WY. Aides insisted it wasn't a vacation because he had had two briefings while there. Uh-huh.
Ladies and gentlemen, our leadership just boggles the mind, don't it?
Here's a run down of what our leaders were doing yesterday, Sept. 1:
-President Bush made the incomprehensible statement that nobody "expected the levees would break." Given that all the experts knew they could only withstand a Cat. 3 storm and were predicting for years that there would be levee failures if a stronger storm hit, I just wonder if by "nobody" he's just referring to the nobodies in his administration. Well, at least he had time to devote to the issue, instead of the previous two days, where he had shuttled around to staged events and photo ops over Social Security and such.
-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice played tennis in New York before attending a matinee performance of the musical Spamelot. She then spent several thousands of dollars shoe shopping on 5th Avenue. A fellow woman shopper who saw her shouted to her something to the effect of "you should be ashamed you're here while people are dying in our own country." Rice had her Secret Service agents remove the woman from the store.
-FEMA director Michael Brown (who, interestingly enough, was fired from his previous gig as a lawyer for the International Arabian Horse Association Legal Department) was spinning furiously about how wonderful and prepared FEMA was for this. He then admitted to Paula Zahn on CNN that it wasn't until that very day FEMA realized there were 15,000 people also stranded at the New Orleans Convention Center. That's despite it having been designated an official emergency shelter before the storm. Then he had the wonderful compassion to say this on CNN:
"Unfortunately, that's [the suffering] going to be attributable a lot to people who did not heed the advance warnings. I don't make judgments about why people chose not to leave but, you know, there was a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans."
Is this guy for real?
-Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieux, in a stunning display of political insensitivity, went on Anderson Cooper and, when asked about the suffering of those still trapped, proceeded to rattle off a long litany of thank-yous to--get this--other politicians. Not rescue workers, not police or national guard, but politicians like Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Sen. Frist, Sen. Reid, etc. Cooper totally lost it on her over this, and it was one of the best smack-downs I've seen.
-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert said that we shouldn't rebuild New Orleans because it's expensive, impractical, etc. Nice timing there, Dennis.
-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld eased the minds of the nation by assuring us that the ultra-tacky country music hoedown with Clint Black in, erm, remembrance of September 11, 2001 would go on as plan. A big sigh of relief was heard all around the country.
-Republican party chairman Ken Mehlman sent out an "urgent e-mail" to the GOP party demanding their help with the most crucial issue facing the nation today--repealing the estate tax.
-Vice President Dick Cheney remained on vacation in Jackson, WY. Aides insisted it wasn't a vacation because he had had two briefings while there. Uh-huh.
Ladies and gentlemen, our leadership just boggles the mind, don't it?
