I recently bought some corn which was imported from the USA , to see what it was like . The first time I tried it , I had it roasted over a naked flame , until it was nicely done and just a little bit blackened on the outside . I then spread a mixture of lemon juice , salt , and ghee over it , and tried to eat it .
My first reaction was a "WTF ?" , because it turned out to be too sweet . I then tried eating one boiled . Turned out to be still too sweet . The soup I made out of them , however , was good
. From then on , I've used it ony for soup .
I know that , thanks to the USA's crazy agricultural imoprt restrictions , most people on 'poly will not have tasted Indian corn , but I'd like the opinion of people from countries other than the USA about how their local produce compares to US imports , specially with respect to corn .
My first reaction was a "WTF ?" , because it turned out to be too sweet . I then tried eating one boiled . Turned out to be still too sweet . The soup I made out of them , however , was good

I know that , thanks to the USA's crazy agricultural imoprt restrictions , most people on 'poly will not have tasted Indian corn , but I'd like the opinion of people from countries other than the USA about how their local produce compares to US imports , specially with respect to corn .