...and I was taken aback. My friend that's teaching English in Japan knows how to push my buttons and knows that I'm a liberal. But he asked me these key fundamental questions...
If someone is busting their a** working, should they get a tax break/cut/etc? YES
If someone is on welfare but not working, nor is trying to get a job, should they continue to be on welfare? NO
Should everyone be paid the same wage? HELL NO. It should be a tiered system. Doctors should never be paid the same as a janitor...
So, if an individual is gaining from society without contributing to it, what should happen? That person should be removed from said society. Everyone should contribute in someway to society in one way or another. NO ONE should receive a free-ride.
Anyway, our convo. continued on and on. He basicallly said that I was a moderate Republican. Yes, I believe everyone should be treated equal, but different professions should definitely be paid on a different tier.
I explained to him my 'tier system' and my good friend said that what I was explaining was not socialism, but capitalism in a modified laissez-faire mentality. Furthermore, I said that I support strong government and laissez-faire economics is probably the worst type of economic model ever.
I dunno...My whole thing was that I was extremely offended that he calls me a moderate Republican (in par with Sen. John McClain/Rudolph Guiliani or whatever spelling).
Is my thinking so warped that I would be considered Republican? Yes, I hate free loaders...and I support those who bust their a**...but I'm pro-government and pro-union.
What the heck???
If someone is busting their a** working, should they get a tax break/cut/etc? YES
If someone is on welfare but not working, nor is trying to get a job, should they continue to be on welfare? NO
Should everyone be paid the same wage? HELL NO. It should be a tiered system. Doctors should never be paid the same as a janitor...
So, if an individual is gaining from society without contributing to it, what should happen? That person should be removed from said society. Everyone should contribute in someway to society in one way or another. NO ONE should receive a free-ride.
Anyway, our convo. continued on and on. He basicallly said that I was a moderate Republican. Yes, I believe everyone should be treated equal, but different professions should definitely be paid on a different tier.
I explained to him my 'tier system' and my good friend said that what I was explaining was not socialism, but capitalism in a modified laissez-faire mentality. Furthermore, I said that I support strong government and laissez-faire economics is probably the worst type of economic model ever.
I dunno...My whole thing was that I was extremely offended that he calls me a moderate Republican (in par with Sen. John McClain/Rudolph Guiliani or whatever spelling).
Is my thinking so warped that I would be considered Republican? Yes, I hate free loaders...and I support those who bust their a**...but I'm pro-government and pro-union.
What the heck???