Check out the range (attachment or link), and recommend me some beers.
I'm thinking about trying the Caingrom's (an Aviemore brewery) : Sheepshaggers Ale or Nessies Monster Mash, based on nothing but the names. Some German pils would be interesting, I've been recommended some Augustiner. Of course, I can't turn down a case of Christmas Delirium either.
If you want to know my taste, I like the likes of Nastro Azzuro/Peroni or Tsingtao for light lager beer, or Adnams for ales or bitters. I like Guiness but not a great fan of stouts. I also like the odd fruit beer, but I'd have to have lost my tastebuds before I get onto the weisbeers.
Don't limit yourself to the list either (or be influenced by the price - I'm well acquainted with the Australian selection, which is good because I know I'm not going to pay £37 for 9 litres of Carlton Cold). I chose the list because it had a wide selection to give you some thoughts. A lot of these beers I can acquire by other means than this particular vendor.
I'm thinking about trying the Caingrom's (an Aviemore brewery) : Sheepshaggers Ale or Nessies Monster Mash, based on nothing but the names. Some German pils would be interesting, I've been recommended some Augustiner. Of course, I can't turn down a case of Christmas Delirium either.
If you want to know my taste, I like the likes of Nastro Azzuro/Peroni or Tsingtao for light lager beer, or Adnams for ales or bitters. I like Guiness but not a great fan of stouts. I also like the odd fruit beer, but I'd have to have lost my tastebuds before I get onto the weisbeers.
Don't limit yourself to the list either (or be influenced by the price - I'm well acquainted with the Australian selection, which is good because I know I'm not going to pay £37 for 9 litres of Carlton Cold). I chose the list because it had a wide selection to give you some thoughts. A lot of these beers I can acquire by other means than this particular vendor.
